Robbing icon

Robbing -----

Plugin for role play that adds theft mechanics to the gameplay




Robbing (2).png

Documentation | Metrics | Translations
Welcome to Robbing
The Thief mechanics in minecraft
by FrahHS
Checkout robbing website for detailed documentation

Download texture pack for 1.18
Download texture pack for 1.19


Sneaking right-click to other players to get into their inventory, you have to be fast before they notice you!
Your attempt will fail as soon as your target walk away
Be careful because your target can catch you!

Players will fear each other! Inventories will be in danger!!!


You can arrest people handcuffing them, and make them follow you!

You can place safe's full of items that users can crack using lockpicks!

Enjoy robbery experience!

Config file really simple and customizable.

SqLite data base systems

"True Rp thief experience"
"different, real, exciting"
"balanced and customizable"


Soft dependencies:
Soft-dependencies mean that following plugins adds stuff to the gameplay, but you don't have to install it if you don't want to.

Current functionality:

You can steal from other players inventory just Sneaking right-click on them.
You can catch the thief just sneaking + left-clicking on him!
In this way you put on him slow effect!

It is possible to limit the items that can be stolen in the config,
It is possible allow/deny it with a worldguard flag (check documentation)

You can crack and thief safe's arround the server.
To crack a safe you have to use lockpicks,

To successfully crack the safe you have to find the green cylinder.
Clicking on white unknown cylinders you will show them,
there are 4 types of cylinders: red, orange, yellow and green,
they are placed in this order near the green one.
you have 3 attampts to fine the correct cylinder, after that your lockpick will break.
You can configure safe's stuff (inventory, name, custom commands to execute...) in the config file, very easy to understand!


Is possible craft lockpicks! (must be enabled in the config, is disabled by default and need a permission)


You can handcuff other players!
With cuffs in your hand and rightclicking on a player you will make he freeze, clicking again on him (without handcuffs) you will make he follow you
Is possible craft lockpicks! (must be enabled in the config, is disabled by default and need a permission)


Escape the arrest
It is possible to try to escape arrest, if you activate the option the player with the handcuffs will take some time (delayed_handcuffing) and in this period you will have to move away of distance blocks to avoid handcuffing.

Emergency calls:

You can do the command /911 <reason>.
It will send your name, location and the reason to all the players that have robbing.emergency.alert permission!

  • /rb - get plugin version and command list.
  • /rb reload - reload the plugin config.yml without restart server.
  • /rb createsafe <safe_type> - to create a safe where you're pointing, configure types in the config.
  • /rb deletesafe - to remove the safe you're pointing
  • /rb give <rb item> - to give yourself a Robbing custom item (es: /rb give lockpick)
  • /911 <reason> to send alert message to authorities
  • /uncuff <player> to uncuff player with a command
Note: all command can start with /rb or /robbing both are the same.
Item list: lockpick, cuffs.
Join my discord if you have tips, requests, bugs notice or if you wanna just follow the work.


If you want you can give me a coffee :coffee:;)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,883
First Release: Sep 24, 2022
Last Update: Jun 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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