NoTotemHand icon

NoTotemHand -----

Use the totem of undying without hands


Language - English:

The NoTotemHand plugin has the ability to use the totem of undying without using the hands.

Language - Portuguese:

O plugin NoTotemHand possui a habilidade usar o totem da imortalidade sem utilizar as mãos.


Code (Text):
/nototemhand help - Shows this Page
/nototemhand reload - Reloads the Plugin

aliases: [totem]

Code (Text):
nototemhand.nototemhand : Access to use the Totem of Undying from your inventory
nototemhand.admin : Access to the NoTotemHand Command, to the Help Page and to Reload the Plugin
nototemhand.update : Access to receive notifications about the plugin, as new versions

How the Plugin Works?
Code (Text):
You just need to put the totem of undying in your inventory.
That's it. When be needed, the totem will save you!

Hex Colors Support
Code (Text):
The Hex Colors is now supported in the plugin. Here's a preview. You can use the old method
at the same time in the message.


Code (YAML):
# Plugin developed by GFelberg
# Config.yml

# language: en
# Thanks for downloading my plugin. For more plugins, don't forget to look my updates!
# If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot.

# language: br/pt
# Obrigado por baixar meu plugin. Para mais plugins, não esqueça de olhar as atualizações!
# Se você encontrar algum problema ou ter alguma ideia para o plugin, pm no spigot.

# Permissions

# nototemhand.nototemhand : Access to use the Totem of Undying from your inventory
# nototemhand.admin : Access to the NoTotemHand Command, to the Help Page and to Reload the Plugin
# nototemhand.update : Access to receive notifications about the plugin, as new versions

# Update-Check Option -
# If true, a permission will be required to receive the notifications if the player doesn't have the OP enabled
: true

# Configuration 1.0
# This configuration will display the Totem Messages

: "&b[&eNoTotemHand&b]"

# Configuration 1.1
# This configuration will display the Help Page Messages

: "&eShows this page"
: "&eReloads the Plugin"

If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot or in the Discussion Thread.


- You are not allowed to make this plugin as yours
- You are not allowed to decompile this plugin
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 188
First Release: Aug 29, 2022
Last Update: Oct 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings