The Suicide plugin has the ability to make a quick death by the own player through a simple command.
This plugin is not intended to encourage any suicide attempts in real life.
This plugin is only and exclusive for players to use inside of Minecraft.
If you think you need help, don't hesitate to reach out. Please, life is beautiful.
Language - Portuguese:
O plugin Suicide possui a habilidade de realizar uma morte rápida pelo próprio jogador através de um simples comando.
Este plugin não possui o objetivo de incentivar qualquer tentativa de suicídio na vida real.
Esse plugin tem como auxílio somente e exclusivo aos jogadores para usarem dentro do Minecraft.
Se você acredita que precise de ajuda, não hesite em procurar. Por favor, a vida é bela.
Code (Text):
/suicide - Kills yourself
/suicide help - Shows this Page
/suicide reload - Reloads the Plugin
Code (Text):
suicide.suicide : Access to Suicide Command
suicide.admin : Access to Admin Help Page
suicide.update : Access to receive notifications about the plugin, as new versions
suicide.reload : Access to Reload the Plugin
How the Plugin works?
Code (Text):
It's simple. When the player executes the "/suicide" command, the player will kill yourself.
Hex Colors Support
Code (Text):
The plugin has Hex Colors support to all messages in the config.yml. If your server version is below 1.16,
this resource cannot be used because Hex Colors only supports 1.16 or above. If used on below servers, the
messages will be black or white.
Code (YAML):
# Plugin developed by GFelberg # Config.yml
# language: en # Thanks for downloading my plugin. For more plugins, don't forget to look my updates! # If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot.
# language: br/pt # Obrigado por baixar meu plugin. Para mais plugins, não esqueça de olhar as atualizações! # Se você encontrar algum problema ou ter alguma ideia para o plugin, pm no spigot.
# Permissions
# suicide.suicide : Access to the Suicide Command # suicide.admin : Access to the Admin Help Page # suicide.update : Access to receive notifications about the plugin, as new versions # suicide.reload : Access to Reload the Plugin
# Update-Check Option - # If true, a permission will be required to receive the notifications if the player doesn't have the OP enabled update-check: true
# Configuration 1.0 # This configuration will display Suicide Messages Suicide:
Prefix: "&e[&bSuicide&e]&r" Message: "&bRest in Peace my Friend"
# Configuration 1.1 # This configuration will display the Help Page Messages Help:
Page: "&eShows this page" Suicide: "&eKills yourself" Reload: "&eReloads the Plugin"
If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot or in the Discussion Thread.
- You are not allowed to make this plugin as yours - You are not allowed to decompile this plugin