Advanced Ban | MySQl | Webpanel icon

Advanced Ban | MySQl | Webpanel -----

Bungeecord & spigot ban, mute and report system with web panel


Advanced Ban
Comprehensive ban, mute and report system with web panel for bungeecord & spigot!

- java 1.17
- PHP 8
- Bungeecord / Spigot
- MySQl (MariaDB)
- HTTP Server (Apache)

1. Unzip .zip file
2. Setup server
3. Setup web panel

Server (Bungeecord / Spigot):

1. Put the .jar file into your plugins folder.
2. Start your server and stop it after the configuration files have been created.
3. Insert MySQl connection data into config.yml.
4. Run your server -> done

Web Panel:
1. Put the abpanel folder into your root directory.
2. Open and set up the config.php file.
- Set $server_type to the type you are using.
- Insert your MySQl connection data.
3. Restart your web server -> done


- Main command: /advancedban
- Ban players permanently or temporarily.
- Mute players permanently or temporarily.
- Report players who do not behave.
- Manage reports and players with a web panel
- Monitor the chat using the chat log system.

- English (EN)
- Deutsch (DE)

Login key:
Code (Text):
key = uuid + name + currentTimeMillis();
key += key.reverse();
key = md5(key);
- Every time a player joins, a new login key is generated.
- The web panel session is valid if the UUID matches the login key.
- The registered player must be permanently online on the server in order to perform the web panel tasks ingame. ( dispatchCommand)
- Make sure that the login key is kept secret.

- ab.ban (Usage: /ban)
- ab.tempban (Usage: /tempban)
- ab.unban (Usage: /unban)
- ab.mute (Usage: /mute)
- ab.tempmute (Usage: /tempmute)
- ab.unmute (Usage: /unmute)
- ab.check (Usage: /check)
- ab.panel (Usage: /abpanel)
- ab.cantbereported (Player can not be reported)

report.png web_index.png web_report.png check.png web_check.png
commands.png Screenshot 2024-04-18 174035.png Screenshot 2024-04-18 174754.png
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 566
First Release: Aug 9, 2022
Last Update: Apr 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings