DropSMP System DropSMP System is a perfect plugin for smp servers, after entering the server you will see 4 statistics. Strength, agility, resistance and speed. as your stats decline, your strength, resilience, or speed decline. If the stats increase, your character will be stronger, more resilient and will run faster.
Premium always better!
Lite version:
Statistics bar
Working statistics decreasing depending on the percentage
For killing a player, 50% chance to drop a drop
The drop chance can be changed in config
The killed player loses 10% of each stat
How much the player loses can be changed in the config
Possibility of any plug-in configuration
Ability to change the drop from the drop
The ability to protect the server from punching drops
Stats limit
Ability to set a ban from a command
The ability to fully configure the ban
Ability to change stats after respawning
Ability to change statistics after a ban
Full drop configuration possible
Option to enable glowing for the item
Possibility to change the item dropping between on the ground and
into the inventory
Possibility of full edition of emmenats
Ability to enable the crafting of insignia
Ability to change the insignia crafting
Ability to change the value to be reset via the insignia
Possibility to change the value of the emblems
Full configuration of all messages displayed to the player
Ability to set player statistics via file and command
Ability to change the display of the statistics bar
System of tombstones
Possibility to change the block in the tombstone
Possibility to edit molecules in config
Option to set the command as unban
Purchase the premium version on Discord or Spigot! (SPIGOT) Premium version:
(What lite version +)
The ability to enable and disable texturepack
Automatically downloading texturepack
Texturepack includes custom icons in the stats bar
Texturepack includes a custom look for all items
Possibility to change the material for the head
Ability to change the texture of the head directly from Head-Texture
The ability to use icons from the texturpack anywhere
Custom items (Own editable file, a very advanced item creator.)
Possibility to change benefits in custom items
The ability to change the time of benefits in custom items
Commands & Permissions
/dropsmp ● Permission:
dropsmp.use ● Description: The main command of the plugin
/showdrop ● Permission: dropsmp.showdrop
● Description: Shows the current drop from the drop
Perm: dropsmp.newversioninfo ● Description: Informs any person with this permission about the new version
Code (YAML):
# #██████╗░██████╗░░█████╗░██████╗░░██████╗███╗░░░███╗██████╗░░░░░░░██╗░░░░░██╗████████╗███████╗ #██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝████╗░████║██╔══██╗░░░░░░██║░░░░░██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝ #██║░░██║██████╔╝██║░░██║██████╔╝╚█████╗░██╔████╔██║██████╔╝█████╗██║░░░░░██║░░░██║░░░█████╗░░ #██║░░██║██╔══██╗██║░░██║██╔═══╝░░╚═══██╗██║╚██╔╝██║██╔═══╝░╚════╝██║░░░░░██║░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░ #██████╔╝██║░░██║╚█████╔╝██║░░░░░██████╔╝██║░╚═╝░██║██║░░░░░░░░░░░███████╗██║░░░██║░░░███████╗ #╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝░╚════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═╝░░░░░░░░░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝ # author: PolsatGraniePL
version: "2.0.1-Lite" messages: # %strength% | %protection% | %speed% | %agility% actionbar: "&c %strength%% &7 %protection%% #4196E1⚡ %speed%% &e&l→ &e%agility%%" dropopen: " &8▶ &7You just opened &9Drop&7!" reload: " &8▶ &7reloaded config! &cSome things in the config require you to restart the server, keep that in mind!" limit-getted: " &8▶ &7You have already reached the maximum percentage of this stat!" same-ip: " &8▶ &7The player you killed has the same IP!" same-player: " &8▶ &7You've already killed that player!" show-drop-gui-name: "&8Drop from &9Drop" unban-message: " &8▶ �FF00Player &7%unbanner% �FF00has dug up player &7%player%'s �FF00grave!" plr-cmd-1: " &8▶ &7The specified player is not online" plr-cmd-2: " &8▶ &7Invalid argument, available phrases:&7 add/remove/set" plr-cmd-3: " &8▶ &7Invalid argument, available phrases:&7 odpornosc/sila/szybkosc/zwinnosc" plr-cmd-4: " &8▶ &7Please enter the correct number" plr-cmd-5: " &8▶ &7Enter player
config: ban-system: # %player% ban-command: "tempban
%player% 1d You no longer have any stats!" use-ban-command: false
minecraft-ban: # %nl% - new line # %player% - player's nickname # %time% - ban time in seconds reason: "&cYou no longer have any stats!%nl%&7Come back to us in &9%time% seconds&7!" time: 86400
#(In seconds) start-statistic-value: 100
after-ban-statistic: 100
update-info-to-op: true
showdrop-gui-size: 27
#[9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54] player-kill-player-to-drop: true
same-ip-protect: true
enabled: true
time: 5
#(in minutes) # Stat limits strength-limit: 200
protection-limit: 200
speed-limit: 500
# 500 is the maximum value for speed! agility-limit: 200
enabled: true
sign-glowing: false
# It must be a plaque on the wall (<type>_WALL_SIGN) tombstone-sign-type: OAK_WALL_SIGN
tombstone-main-block: BEDROCK
# Works depending on whether use-ban-command is enabled unban-command: unban
%player% unban-particle: TOTEM
unban-particle-count: 100
# %player% - player's nickname sign-line-1: "Here rests" sign-line-2: "&9&n%player%" sign-line-3: "Dig up the head" sign-line-4: "to &4spawn&r it" # %player% - Banned player's nickname # %unbanner% - unban player's nickname broadcast-unban-message: true
# The list of materials can be found at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html droppeditem: # (0 - 100) chance: 50
name: "&8⭐ &9&lDROP &8⭐" lore: - ''
- '&7Right click to get'
- '&9Drop&7 content'
- ''
glowing: true
#Whether the item should appear under the player or in his inventory drop-item-naturally: false
drop-from-item: - $INSYGNIA
# item:<material> amount:<amount> name:<name> lore:<lore> enchant:<enchant>_<level> # Use "_" to add a space in lore and name # Use "\n" to add a new line in lore -
"item:ELYTRA amount:1 name:&8●_&c&lElytra_of_the_gods_&8● lore:&7Take_to_the_skies_with\n&7the_elytra_of_the_&cgods enchant:MENDING_1 enchant:DURABILITY_10" -
"item:TOTEM_OF_UNDYING amount:1" -
"item:ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE amount:1" -
"item:GOLDEN_APPLE amount:2" -
"item:ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX amount:1" # Console commands # %player% - player - "cmd: /eco give
%player% 200" emblematy:
glowing: true
material: PAPER
name: "&8⭐ &6&lRebirth insignia &8⭐" lore: - ''
- '&7Right click to reset'
- '&ceach&7 stat to &c100
%' - ''
open-message: " &8▶ &7All stats reset!" restart-to-value: 100
enabled: true
slot-1: AIR
slot-2: GHAST_TEAR
slot-3: AIR
slot-4: GHAST_TEAR
slot-5: GOLD_BLOCK
slot-6: GHAST_TEAR
slot-7: AIR
slot-8: GHAST_TEAR
slot-9: AIR
material: PAPER
name: "&8⭐ &7&lResistance emblem &8⭐" lore: - ''
- '&7Right click to add'
- '&c10
%&7 to &7Resistance' - ''
open-message: " &7+10% " add-value: 10
remove-value-on-death: 10
material: PAPER
name: "&8⭐ &c&lStrength emblem &8⭐ " lore: - ''
- '&7Right click to add'
- '&c10
%&7 to &cStrength' - ''
open-message: " &c+10% " add-value: 10
remove-value-on-death: 10
material: PAPER
name: "&8⭐ ၤE1&lSpeed emblem &8⭐ " lore: - ''
- '&7Right click to add'
- '&c10
%&7 to ၤE1Speed' - ''
open-message: " ၤE1+10% ⚡" add-value: 10
remove-value-on-death: 10
material: PAPER
name: "&8⭐ &e&lAgility emblem &8⭐ " lore: - ''
- '&7Right click to add'
- '&c10
%&7 to &eAgility' - ''
open-message: " &e+10% &e&l→" add-value: 10
remove-value-on-death: 10