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Build with Java 11
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Make sure before deleting the plugin that the MIN and MAX values are in the config. yml are 10 and wait a while, so all the players' hearts are back to normal. This is a global problem with modifying hearts.
Your hearts are your level.
By default, the maximum number of hearts is 30, and the minimum number of hearts is 10.
You can change this in the config.yml
Download the .jar file and put it in your server's /plugins folder. Restart the server. Done.
The plugin code is dependent only on core spigot functions, so whatever the server version is the plugin will start if ofc supports core spigot functions. The plugin as you see is not that complicated.
Code (Text):
Dropped_XP_multiplier: 2
Max_Hearts: 30
Min_Hearts: 10
Levels_required_for_custom_amount_of_hearts: 1
Custom_amount_of_hearts_when_reached_required_level: 1
Override_hearts: true
Override_hearts -> This will override the hearts for lifesteal, custom enchantments, or any other thing that gives you hearts. If this is "true," then the plugin will start a checker every second, so only the hearts from this plugin matter. If this is "false," then this plugin will only add or remove hearts.
If you are on gamemode Creative, then this plugin won't affect you.
Levels_required_for_custom_amount_of_hearts -> the levels you need so you can get a custom amount of hearts.
Custom_amount_of_hearts_when_reached_required_level - > Amount of hearts given or taken per "Levels_required_for_custom_amount_of_hearts" levels
Levels_required_for_custom_amount_of_hearts: 3
Custom_amount_of_hearts_when_reached_required_level: 2
Every 3 levels you lose or gain, you will lose or gain 2 hearts. 2 hearts per 3 levels.
- - With this permission you can play this gamemode.
- /heartylevels -> to reload the config