Towny Menu
This is an update of the author's original code and plugin, including some bug fixes and improvements.
About Towny Menu:
Towny Menu is a simple plugin to be used as an add-on for Towny Advanced. With TownyMenu, many of the commands can now be done via a simple GUI menu.
The GUI icons can be changed from the default options to your liking from within the settings.yml.
(for best stability use latest official release or pre-releases from the towny discord channel)
/tm | /townmenu - Open the town management menu
/nm | /nationmenu - Opens the nation management menu
/plm |plotmenu - Opens the plot management menu
/chunkview | cv - Places blocks on the chunk boarder of the chunk you are in without using f3+g.
Super useful if you have Bedrock players on your server.
/chunkviewparticle |chunkvp| cvp - Shows the chunk border with particles for a short period of time, without the need for f3+g.
/tm reload - Reloads the settings.yml
townmenu.view - Default true
Also defaults to mayor, can be added to other ranks in the townyperms.yml file in your towny settings folder) - Default false. Can either be added via permissions - added to ranks in the townyperms.yml file in your Towny settings folder, or given via your permissions plugin.
townymenu.nation.use - Default false. Can either be added via permissions - added to ranks in the townyperms.yml file in your Towny settings folder, or given via your permissions plugin.
plotmenu.view - Default true
(can also only be used by the owner of a plot on their plot and the Mayor of a town can use it anywhere in their town)
chunkview.view - Default true
chunkviewparticle.view - Default true
Deny all the .view perms via your permissions plugin if you wish to restrict groups from access to certain commands.
Admin Permissions:
townymenu.plot.admin - Allows plots to be managed in any town
townmenu.reload - Default op
Note: Some menu buttons require permissions for specific actions. For those actions a user must have permission for the default towny command to use the button. For those permissions check Towny Permissions
I have tested this plugin on 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20 servers.
Soft Dependency
To use a HDB icon use `hdb-34567
This however does not include the menu fillers
Any issues or suggestions, please use the GitHub link above.
I would very much appreciate it if you could leave a review.
Please do not post issues in the review section. Please either post issue on my
GitHub or join my
discord server.
If you wish to help with translations then please visit my
Crowdin page.