# If the remote database is disabled, player data will be stored in a local database. # Only MySQL/MariaDB databases are functional. database:
host: localhost
# Host of your database port: 3306
# Port of your database (3306 => Default port for mysql [and MariaDB]) db_name: 'database'
# Name of your database user: 'root'
# User of your database password: 'password'
# Password of your database enable: false
# True to use a remote database
# If the player has not logged after the specified time, he will be kicked. countdown-player:
enable: true
time: 20
# Time in seconds
# If true, op players must not connect. op-bypass: false
# Plugin messages successful-reload: '&aAuthenticator has been reload.'
successful-login: '&aYou are connected.'
successful-register: '&aYou are registered.'
successful-change-password: '&aThe password has been successfully changed.'
successful-unregister: '&aThe player has been unregistered.'
login-message: "&6Welcome on the server ! \nUse /login" register-message: "&6Welcome on the server ! \nUse /register" incorrect-password: '&cThe password is incorrect.'
incorrect-currently-password: '&cThe current password is incorrect'
new-different-password: '&cThe new passwords do not match.'
different-password: '&cPasswords do not match.'
already-logged: '&bYou are already connected.'
already-registered: "&aYou are already registered. \n&6Use /login [password]" not-register: "&cYou must register. \n&6Use /register [password] [password]" not-player-register: '&cThe player is not registered.'
register-error: '&6Usage
: /register password password'
login-error: '&6Usage
: /login password'
changepw-error: '&6Usage
: /changepw password new_password new_password'
unregister-error: '&6Usage
: /unregister player'
no-permission: '&4You don''t have a permission for this command.'
kick-message: '&cYou have not logged in.'