Labyrinth icon

Labyrinth -----

Labyrinth generator plugin


Labyrinth example.png

It's a plugin that allows you to create an inifnity pattern of a labyrinth for add a challenge in your server!
Designed for a Vanilla but usable in all modalities (Prison, Factions, Vanilla, Survival, Towny...), it is also configurable in many ways such as the material ground or wall, the regeneration of labyrinth with one command and so on!


⊱ Possibility to create infinity Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to set the height of Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to set the wall space of Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to modify the materials with a command
⊱ Possibility to regenerate a labyrinth with a command
⊱ Possibility to control if Labyrinth is solvable
⊱ Possibility to add infinity start locations of a specific Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to add infinity chest of a specific Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to remove chest of a Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to remove start locations of a Labyrinth
⊱ Possibility to configure all messages
⊱ RGB Color support
⊱ No Dependency


⊱ lab <create> <name> <x> <y> <height> <wallSpace> for create a labyrinth
⊱ lab <help> for help commands
lab <modify> <name> [wallMaterial:material] for modify wall material
lab <modify> <name> [groundMaterial:material] for modify ground material
lab <modify> <name> [regenerate] for regenerate labyrinth

⊱ lab <reload> for reload plugin configurations
⊱ lab <remove> <name> for list of labyrinth and remove labyrinth
⊱ lab <remove> <name> <chest> [{number}] for list of Chests and remove a chest
⊱ lab <remove> <name> <start> [{number}] for list of Start Locations and remove a start location
⊱ lab <resolve> <name> for try resolve a labyrinth from start to end
lab <start> <name> [[random] | [number]] for list of start locations, for tp at random start location and for tp at specific start location
lab <set> <start> <name> for add a start location of labyrinth
lab <set> <chest> <name> for add a chest of labyrinth



⊱ labyrinth.reload.command
⊱ labyrinth.create.command
⊱ labyrinth.remove.command
⊱ labyrinth.remove.chest.command
⊱ labyrinth.remove.start.command
⊱ labyrinth.resolve.command
⊱ labyrinth.modify.command
⊱ labyrinth.start.command
⊱ labyrinth.set.start.command




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# Labyrinth #
# Created by eliotesta98 & xSavior_of_God #
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# Show in console the dimension of Labyrinth
ShowDimensionInConsole: true
# Choose the wall material of all labyrinth
WallMaterial: STONE
# Choose the ground material of all labyrinth
GroundMaterial: GRASS_BLOCK
# Backup Time of Labyrinths in minutes
BackupTimer: 5
# Show backup in console
ShowBackupInConsole: true
# Velocity of block place at creation in milliseconds. ATTENTION! if you cannot want tps down set at >= 10
VelocityPlace: 10

commandFooter: '&7(&7&l(&c&l!&7&l)&7) &9[] optional value, <> required'
commandLabCreateHelp: ' &e/labyrinth &6<create> <name> <x> <y> <height> <wallSpace> &7for create a labyrinth'
commandLabReloadHelp: ' &e/labyrinth &6<reload> &7for reload Labyrinth plugin'
commandLabHelpHelp: ' &e/labyrinth &6<help> &7for reload Labyrinth plugin'
commandLabRemoveHelp: ' &e/labyrinth &6<remove> <name> &7for list of Labyrinths and remove a labyrinth'
commandLabRemoveChest: ' &e/labyrinth &6<remove> <name> <chest> [{number}] &7for list of Chests and remove a chest'
commandLabRemoveStart: ' &e/labyrinth &6<remove> <name> <start> [{number}] &7for list of Starts Locations and remove a start location'
commandLabModifyHelp: ' &e/labyrinth &6<modify> <name> <[wallMaterial:material]|[groundMaterial:material]|[regenerate]> &7for modify materials and regenerate labyrinth'
commandLabResolveHelp: ' &e/labyrinth &6<resolve> <name> [{number}] &7this command try to resolve the labyrinth with name assigned and a selected start location'
commandLabSetStart: ' &e/labyrinth &6<set> <start> <name> &7this command add a start location for the labyrinth with name assigned at player location'
commandLabSetChest: ' &e/labyrinth &6<set> <chest> <name> &7this command set a chest for the labyrinth with name assigned at player location'
commandLabStart: ' &e/labyrinth &6<start> <name> [[random]|[{number}]] &7this command tp at selected start location'

labSuccesfullyRemove: '&a&lLabyrinth successfully removed'
labSolve: '&a&lLabyrinth solvable'
labList: '&a&lLabyrinths: {list}'
startLocationList: '&a&lLocations: {list}'
chestLocationList: '&a&lLocations: {list}'

warningRegen: '&e&lI can''t check the solubility of this Labyrinth, please regenerate it'
warningRegenWallSpace: '&e&lI can''t check the solubility of this Labyrinth because wallSpace is a number > 2 try the resolve command'

errorLabWallSpace: '&c&lHEY!&7 The space between the walls must be an even number!'
errorLabNotExist: '&c&lHEY!&7 This labyrinth not exist!'
errorNotSolve: '&c&lLabyrinth not solvable'
errorMaterialNotExist: '&c&lHEY!&7 This material not exist!'
errorNoPlayer: '&cYou are not a player'
errorCommandNotFound: '&cCommand not found'
errorInsufficientPermission: '&cInsufficient permission'
errorLabTooSmall: '&c&lHEY!&7 This labyrinth is too small!'
errorLabAlreadyExist: '&c&lHEY!&7 This labyrinth already exist!'
errorLocationChest: '&c&lHEY!&7 This is not a labyrinth location!'
errorLastStartLocation: '&c&lHEY!&7 You cannot remove the last start location!'

# Commands time execution
Commands: false
# Interface open time execution
InterfaceOpenExecution: false
# Enabled time execution
Enabled: false
# Disabled time execution
Disabled: false

If you want support or add a feature, don't hesitate to report it either on Discord or via SpigotMC.

- Thanks @xSavior_of_God for helping me to realize one of my project.
- BIG THANKS goes to @Ome_R ( from BG-Softwarse who allowed us to use his class for handling configuration files <3
- This plugin uses HikariCP for H2 Database (
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 979
First Release: Jul 3, 2022
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings