FriendsBungee is free bungeecord friends plugin. With this plugin you can add players in friends, you can create group and add ay player in your group to play together. This plugin also allows sending private messages to any player connected to the server.
Version 2.0 is now available. For this new version, the source code has been completely revised and the vast majority has been rewritten, even if some parts of the old source code remain - the files from the old version are no longer compatible. To use this new version you must first delete the plugin directory to avoid a conflict.
!!!! WARNING !!!!
Since version 2.0-SNAPSHOT, use of the TM-API API is mandatory for this plugin to work. This API is not free but I am making the jar available to users of my plugins as it is mandatory. I reserve the exclusive right to use it for development, so it is forbidden to decompile the jar in order to study the code, but it is also forbidden to use it as such to develop a plugin with a view to trading it and/or redistributing its source code under any licence. Finally, I am the only one who has the right to distribute the compiled or decompiled code of this API. The only right you are therefore granted is to execute it on a proxy server with the sole aim of running one of the plugins that I make available to you. Running this API alone will be considered illegal.
TM-API links :
- Last update :
- Friends system,
- Groups system,
- Private messages system,
- Anti-Spam system,
- Report system,
- Plugin configuration and messages are now separated into two separate files config.yml for plugin configuration and msg.yml for message configuration.
- In comming :
- Teams system with ranking and more,
- Spigot addon to use this plugin more intuitively with gui system.
To use this plugin you must have bungeecord server and simply drag the .jar in the plugins folder. This plugin is ready to use but you can configure it in config.yml file for more customization.
- All plugin's messages,
- Time before teleportation of the players in the group,
- Amount levels permissions,
- MySql connections and more parameters,
- Redis connexions and more parameters.
- Commands aliases