ControlPlayer | 1.8.8 - 1.20 icon

ControlPlayer | 1.8.8 - 1.20 -----

Control and troll the players on your server!

If you want, you can donate to support my projects!
just click right here


This plugin is something that EVERY server owner needs, who wants to troll his users a little bit!
You might ask now - "why?"
I'll tell you why!
ControlPlayer can make something that a server owner only can dream about.
You can control the movement, the inventory, the gamemode, literally everything of the player, and it's simple af!

btw sry for my bad english ;-;


Click here for support


Videos (in german)





"Why is it so simple as you say?"

you might ask. I'll tell you why!

To start controlling someone you just have to type the following command
(/cp [player])

You will need a specific permission to execute the '/cp' command
To see someone first what the player's doing and then start controlling the player if you want to
(/scp [player])

You will need a specific permission to execute the '/scp' command aswell

To receive immunity
(controlplayer. bypass)

To reload all files just execute following command
The permission for that is:

To fix the players collision (if it's buggy)
The permission for that is:

When you're controlling someone, you can use his chat. Everything you type in the chat will get executed as him! If you wanna use your chat and wanna stop typing as him, just put the bypassmessage in front of your message. The default bypassmessage is "-b " and should look like this:

To stop controlling the player just execute the same command and it should stop. You will get back your old inventory, levels, health, location, etc.

Translations (messages.yml)
Special thanks to Cem for translating the messages.yml into Turkish!
Special thanks to TheDetzer for translating the messages.yml into Spanish!
Special thanks to Kahpot Vanilla for translating the messages.yml into Hebrew!
Special thanks to jsjsjd for translating the messages.yml into Chinese!
Special thanks to Sedonya for translating the messages.yml into Russian!

prefix: '&8[&4&lC&c&lP&8]'
usage: '%prefix% &e/controlp [oyuncu] &7ile birisini kontrol edebilirsin.
Tekrar yazarsan kontrol etmeyi bırakırsın.'
being_controlled: '%prefix% kontrol ediliyorsun.'
success: '%prefix% &akontrol ettiği oyuncu: %player%!'
error: '%prefix% &cHata!'
no_permission: '%prefix% &cYetki yok!'
only_players: '%prefix% &cOyuncu değil!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &akontrol etmeyi bıraktın.'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &c Zaten kontrol ediliyor.'
player_imun: '%prefix% &cBu oyuncuyu kontrol edemesin.'
self_control: '%prefix% &cKendini kontrol edemesin.!'
not_online: '%prefix% &7Oyuncu aktif değil!'
player_left: '%prefix% &cOyuncu oyundan çikiş yapti.'
player_died: '%prefix% &cOyuncu öldü.'
actionbar_text: '&aKontrol ettiği oyuncu: %player%'

prefix: '&8[&4&lC&c&lP&8]'
usage: '%prefix% &7Usa &e/cp [jugador] &7para controlar a alguien. ejecuta el comando
de nuevo para dejar de controlarlo.'
being_controlled: '%prefix% Te estan controlando!'
success: '%prefix% &aEstas controlando a %player%!'
error: '%prefix% &cAlgo ha ido mal!'
no_permission: '%prefix% &cFaltan permisos!'
only_players: '%prefix% &cNo eres un jugador!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &aHas parado de controlar a un jugador!'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &cAlguien mas lo esta controlando!'
player_imun: '%prefix% &cNo tienes permitido controlar a este jugador!'
self_control: '%prefix% &cNo puedes controlarte a ti mismo'
not_online: '%prefix% &7Este jugador esta desconectado!'
player_left: '%prefix% &cEl jugador controlado ha dejado el server!'
player_died: '%prefix% &cEl jugador controlado se ha ido'
actionbar_text: '&aEstas controlando a %player%'

prefix: '&8[&4&lC&c&lP&8]'
usage: '%prefix% &7使用 &e/cp [player] &7来控制某些玩家. 如果你再次执行此命令,那么就会停止控制这位玩家'
being_controlled: '%prefix% 现在你已被%player%控制!'
success: '%prefix% &a你现在正在控制 %player%!'
error: '%prefix% &c有些东西出了问题,麻烦请看下你的指令是否有问题,还是后台报错'
no_permission: '%prefix% &c你似乎没有这个权限'
only_players: '%prefix% &c此命令只能玩家使用!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &a你已经停止控制这位玩家'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &c已经有人控制这位玩家了'
player_imun: '%prefix% &c你无法控制这位玩家'
self_control: '%prefix% &c你不能控制你自己!'
not_online: '%prefix% &7这玩家现在不在线,所以你无法控制'
player_left: '%prefix% &c你在控制的玩家现已离线'
player_died: '%prefix% &c你控制的玩家已经趋势'
actionbar_text: '&a你在控制 %player%这名玩家'

prefix: '&8[&4&lק&c&lל&8]'
usage: '%prefix% &7השתמש בפקודה &e[שם שחקן] cp/ &7על מנת להשתלט על שחקן. רשום את הפקודה הזו
&7שוב על מנת להפסיק להשתלט על השחקן'
being_controlled: '%prefix% אתה נשלט כרגע על ידי מישהו!'
success: '%prefix% &a!%player% אתה שולט בשחקן'
error: '%prefix% &cמשהו השתבש!'
no_permission: '%prefix% &cחוסר בגישות!'
only_players: '%prefix% &cאתה לא שחקן!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &aאתה הפסקת להשתלט על השחקן!'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &cמישהו אחר שולט על השחקן הזה!'
player_imun: '%prefix% &cאינך רשאי לשלוט על השחקן הזה!'
self_control: '%prefix% &cאתה לא יכול לשלוט על עצמך!'
not_online: '%prefix% &7השחקן הזה לא מחובר!'
player_left: '%prefix% &cהשחקן שהשטלתת עליו יצא מהשרת/מהמשחק!'
player_died: '%prefix% &cהשחקן שהשטלתת עליו מת!'
actionbar_text: '&a%player% אתה שולט בשחקן'

prefix: '&8[&4&lC&c&lP&8]'
normal_usage: '%prefix% &7Используй &e/cp <player> &7для управления игроком. Чтобы остановить контроль, введи команду ещё раз.'
silent_usage: '%prefix% &7Используй &e/scp <player> &7, для управления игроком. Чтобы остановить контроль, введи команду ещё раз.'
being_controlled: '%prefix% Вы не можете управлять кем-то, пока кто-то управляет вами!'
normal_success: '%prefix% &aВы контролируете %player%!'
silent_success: '%prefix% &aВы управляете %player%! Нажмите &eЛКМ 3x§a чтобы взять игрока под контроль. Удерживайте &eSNEAK&a и нажмите &eЛКМ 3x§a чтобы снова освободить игрока.'
error: '%prefix% &cЧто-то пошло не так!'
no_permission: '%prefix% &cНедостаточно прав!'
not_alive: '%prefix% &cИгрок, которым вы хотите управлять, не жив.'
only_players: '%prefix% &cВы не игрок!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &aВы перестали управлять игроком.'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &cКто-то другой уже контролирует этого игрока!'
player_imun: '%prefix% &cВам не разрешено управлять этим игроком!'
self_control: '%prefix% &cВы не можете контролировать себя.'
not_online: '%prefix% &7Этого игрока нет в сети!'
player_left: '%prefix% &cИгрок, которым вы управляли, покинул сервер!'
player_died: '%prefix% &cИгрок, которым вы управляли, умер!'
controlling_actionbar_text: '&aВы управляете %player%'
waiting_actionbar_text: '&eЛКМ 3x &7для переключения режима управления.'
spy_chat_message: '%prefix% &2%player% &aпытался использовать чат, находясь под контролем: &e%message%'
prefix: '&8[&4&lC&c&lP&8]'
usage: '%prefix% &7Benutze &e/cp [player] &7um jemanden zu kontrolleren. Gebe den Befehl noch einmal ein, um aufzuhören.'
being_controlled: '%prefix% Du wirst zurzeit selbst kontrolliert.'
success: '%prefix% &aDu kontrollierst %player%!'
error: '%prefix% &cEs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!'
no_permission: '%prefix% &cDazu hast du keine Berechtigung!'
only_players: '%prefix% &cDu bist kein Spieler!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &aDu hast aufgehört diesen Spieler zu kontrollieren!'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &cjemand anderes kontrolliert bereits diesen Spieler!'
player_imun: '%prefix% &cDiesen Spieler darfst du nicht kontrollieren!'
self_control: '%prefix% &cDu kannst dich nicht selbst kontrollieren!'
not_online: '%prefix% &7Dieser Spieler ist nicht anwesend!'
player_left: '%prefix% &cDen Spieler, den du kontrolliert hattest, hat das Spiel verlassen!'
player_died: '%prefix% &cDen Spieler, den du kontrolliert hattest, ist gestorben!'
actionbar_text: '&aDu kontrollierst grade %player%'

prefix: '&8[&4&lC&c&lP&8]'
usage: '%prefix% &7Use &e/cp [player] &7to control someone. Execute this command again to stop controlling the player.'
being_controlled: '%prefix% You were being controlled right now!'
success: '%prefix% &aYou are controlling %player%!'
error: '%prefix% &cSomething went wrong!'
no_permission: '%prefix% &cMissing permissions!'
only_players: '%prefix% &cYou are not a player!'
stopped_controlling: '%prefix% &aYou stopped controlling the player!'
already_controlled: '%prefix% &cSomeone else is already controlling this player!'
player_imun: '%prefix% &cYou are not allowed to control this player!'
self_control: '%prefix% &cYou can not control yourself!'
not_online: '%prefix% &7This player is not online!'
player_left: '%prefix% &cThe player you have controlled left the server!'
player_died: '%prefix% &cThe player you controlled died!'
actionbar_text: '&aYou are controlling %player%'


The config.yml

Code (YAML):
: false
: true
: 18000
: false
: false
: true
: '-b '
: 0
: true
: false
: true
: false
: false
: true
: true
: true
: true
: true
: true
: true



The API makes it possible to interact directly with the plugin. What do I mean? For example, you have a other plugin and you wanna check if ControlPlayer found someone who is controlling someone right now. You can check with my EventManager if someone started, stopped, or is still controlling someone.

Here is an example:
Code (Java):
ControlPlayerEventManager. register ( new ControlPlayerEvent ( ) {
    public ControlPlayerEventType type ( ) {
        return ControlPlayerEventType. RUNNING ; // Types: START, RUNNING, STOP

    public void execute (Player controller, Player victim ) {
        // Do something
} ) ;

if you activate the apimode in the config.yml, all default sync-methods of the plugin will be disabled and only the code below will execute! This is good for making your own code to control someone.

NOTICE: Only activate this if you understand what you're doing!


Why are u still reading? Download it now and troll some players on your server! :D


Resource Information
Total Downloads: 24,624
First Release: Jun 29, 2022
Last Update: Apr 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
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