Change your language by setting `locale` in config.yml to en_US or es_ES!
As of right now, the following commands exist:
- /td gui <players> - open up the troll gui
- /td anvil <entities>
- /td bind <troll>
- /td blind <players> - blind players
- /td burn <entities> - set players on fire
- /td bury <entities> - bury players underground
- /td cage <entities> - build a bedrock cage around players
- /td creeper <players> - play a hissing sound
- /td deathbed <players> - set players' health to half a heart
- /td demo <players> - show a fake demo screen
- /td eco <players> - send a fake balance message
- /td flip <entities> - turn players around
- /td freeze <players> - freeze players
- /td gmc <players> - send a fake gmc message
- /td invsee <player> - edit a player's inventory
- /td join <players> <fake player> - send a fake join message
- /td keepInventory <players> - show a fake keepInventory enabled message
- /td launch <entities> - launch players far up
- /td op <players> - send a fake op message
- /td potato <players> - fill players up with potatoes
- /td reload - reload the config
- /td tnt <entities> - summon tnt next to players
- /td say <players> <message> - make players say something
- /td shuffle <entities> - shuffle entities
- /td smite <entities> - summon lightning that does no damage
- /td starve <players> - clear players' hunger bar
- /td unpotato <players> - undo the potato subcommand
- /td wolf <players> - summon wolves around players
You can even use selectors and create cool mechanics!
(e.g. /td carry @e[type=chicken] Notch @e[type=llama])
Each troll has its own separate permission, troll.wolf, troll.launch, etc.
Or, to use all the troll commands, use trolldeluxe.*
The plugin supports tab completion as well!
There is also a configuration where you can edit the fake join message, tnt fuse ticks, launch velocity and wolf count. If you were running an old version, you can optionally copy the new parts from