VariableEnderChests[1.8-1.21.1] ⚡Asynchronous⚡✅No Dupes✅ icon

VariableEnderChests[1.8-1.21.1] ⚡Asynchronous⚡✅No Dupes✅ -----

Enderchests. But more sizes based on your permissions.

What does it do?
This plugin allows you to give players smaller or larger enderchests than that which is supported by native Minecraft using permissions.

How to install this plugin?
To install this plugin, simple place it in your plugins folder and restart your server or load it with Plugman. Configure the config.yml and restart your server or reload with plugman

Automatic migration:

Moving from Vanilla Enderchests:
If you are using regular minecraft enderchests currently, and would like to use this plugin and have enderchest data transfer over, ensure that
Code (YAML):
convert-current-ender-chest : true
is set in the config.yml

Moving from EnderPlus:
The information below applies to an older version of EnderPlus.

If you are currently using EnderPlus and you'd like to switch over to this plugin, it is simple. Just do /enderchestconvert EnderPlus from your servers console while all players are offline and this plugin will automatically migrate the data.
NOTE: Doing this backs up the data stored by this plugin and then migrates the data from EnderPlus in case you accidentally used this command.

If you'd like to migrate from an unsupported plugin to VariableEnderChests contact me on discord so I can look into adding support for it.

  • /enderchest OR /echest
    This command opens the enderchest of the player executing the command.
    Permission required: enderchest.command
  • /enderchest <player> OR /echest <player>
    This command opens the enderchest of the player specified in the command. The player does not need to be online.
    Permission required: enderchest.command.others
    To be able to modify another player's enderchest, the command required is enderchest.modify.others
  • /clearechest <player> OR /clearenderchest <player>
    If you are a server admin and would like to clear the enderchest of a specific player, you can do so by using this command. The player does not need to be online.
    Permission required: enderchest.clear
  • /enderchestconvert <converter>
    If you were using another enderchest plugin before this one and would like to convert data from that plugin to this one, you can use this command. This command can only be executed from console on an empty server
    Current converters: See above.
Permissions Summarized:
  • enderchest.size.1 - A player with this permission has an ender chest with 9 slots.
  • enderchest.size.2 - A player with this permission has an ender chest with 18 slots.
  • enderchest.size.3 - A player with this permission has an ender chest with 27 slots.
  • enderchest.size.4 - A player with this permission has an ender chest with 36 slots.
  • enderchest.size.5 - A player with this permission has an ender chest with 45 slots.
  • enderchest.size.6 - A player with this permission has an ender chest with 54 slots.
  • enderchest.command - This permission allows player to use the enderchest command to open their enderchest. If this is not given, a player opens the enderchest by right clicking an enderchest.
  • enderchest.command.others - This allows players to view the enderchest of others but not modify it.
  • enderchest.modify.others - This allows players to modify the enderchest of others when viewing.
Variable Enderchests:
This plugin offers variable enderchests using permissions.
The sizes of the enderchests vary from 1 to 6. Size one has 9 available slots whereas size 6 has 54.

Permission: enderchest.size.<number_of_rows>

For example: If a player has "enderchest.size.4", they will be able to access an enderchest with 36 slots or 4 rows.

If a player does not have a permission for the size of the enderchest, the plugin falls back to the default size which is set in the config.yml

If you wish for players to have no enderchest by default, ensure they do not have a permission and that default-rows is set to 0 in the config.yml

Inventory Names:
Enderchest Inventory names can be set for each size of inventory.
Code (YAML):
#These are the inventory names that players will see when they open their inventory
#You can set a different name for each size eg. Level 1, Level 2
#<player> is replaced with the player's name
: "&7<player>'s Enderchest"
: "&7<player>'s Enderchest"
: "&7<player>'s Enderchest"
: "&7<player>'s Enderchest"
: "&7<player>'s Enderchest"
: "&7<player>'s Enderchest"

Item Blacklist:
Items can be blacklisted from being placed into enderchests as of v1.7.0. If players have blacklisted items in their enderchests when you update, they will be able to remove them but not place them back again.

The item blacklist can be configured from the config.yml
Code (YAML):
blacklisted-message : '&4You cannot put that item into an ender chest.'

  - 'BOW'
From the configuration above, command blocks as well as bows are prevented from being placed into enderchests and when players attempt to do so they will get the following message:
You cannot put that item into an ender chest.

Async Tasks:
All data for this plugin is saved and loaded async meaning that there will be minimal impact on the performance of your server. Currently, VariableEnderchests saves its data to a data.db flatfile which is stored in its data folder. If you'd like to see an alternative form of data storage, please leave it in the discussion thread.

bStats - VariableEnderChests

Support and feature requests:

change enderchest size, big enderchest, bigger enderchest
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,261
First Release: May 23, 2022
Last Update: Sep 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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