Why SupremeEconomy? If you need a main server economy or a side economy working along main then this plugin can do both, its always updated to the latest minecraft version and always looking for the features to add any time.
Vault Support
Custom Events Gaining
Mythic Mobs Support
PlaceholderAPI Support
Easy API Usage for Developers
%te_<player>_money% (#eg. %te_noscape_money% will return noscape's money balance)
%te_<player>_bank% (#eg. %te_noscape_bank% will return noscape's bank balance)
/money pay <user> <amount> - pay a user amount of tokens
/money balance - get amount of tokens you have.
/money bank - get amount of tokens in your bank.
/money exchange - opens the exchange gui
/money top - opens the top players gui
/money stats - gets the server tokens stats
/money toggle - toggles token request for yourself.
/money help - shows this help guide.