Overview The Showcase plugin allows players to show off their prized possessions by storing them in a publicly viewable GUI.
/showcase - Open your showcase.
/showcase <user> - View a player’s showcase.
/showcase reload - Reloads the configuration.
showcase.use - Allows players to use their own showcase, and view other players' showcase.
showcase.use.view - Allows the player to view showcases (including their own), but not edit their own showcase.
showcase.size.<#> - Amount of rows a player is allowed for their showcase. (2 through 6, default: 1).
showcase.edit - Allows the player to edit anyone’s showcase.
showcase.reload - Reload the plugin.
Display any of your prized possessions in a compact GUI.
Display up to 54 items (6 rows).
Works with offline players.
Edit permission allows moderators/administrators to edit anyone's showcase.
Dependencies Vault is a dependency of this plugin. You need it in order for showcase to work properly. To install Vault, click
Soft-Dependencies PlaceholderAPI (along with the Player expansion) is a soft-dependency of this plugin.
This means that PlaceholderAPI is not required, but recommended.
#The Showcase plugin allows players to show off their prized possessions by storing them in a publicly
#viewable GUI.
prefix: "&8[&5&lShowcase&8] &r"
reload: "&7Showcase has been reloaded."
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission."
player-not-created-showcase: "&7%player_name% has not created a showcase."
player-has-never-joined: "&7%player_name% has never played on the server before."
unknown-player: "&7Unknown player."
Get support, report bugs, and discuss this plugin in my discord.