Simple plugin which shows damage and health regeneration between players.
Hologram and Action Bar indicators
1.8 - 1.20.x support
Hex Colours Support!
Easy and clean configuration
/edi reload - This command reloads all configuration files
/edi settings - Ingame menu to setup plugin settings
Permissions :
edi.command - permission to use all commands
# This represents seconds that hologram will stay (Must be positive integer)
hologram-stay: 1
# It checks update every 10 minutes
update-checker: true
# Should holograms display while player is sneaking?
show-while-sneaking: true
# Should holograms display when entity will fall from the height?
show-when-fell-from-height: true
# Should holograms display while entity is burning?
show-while-burning: true
# Should holograms display when entity is in dragon breath?
show-while-in-dragon-breath: true
# Should holograms display when entity has poison?
show-while-has-poison: true
# Show NPCs health changes from Citizens
show-npc-health-changes: true
# Should be health bar be represented also on action bar?
show-action-bar: true
# What kind of mobs should be affected by hologram indicators
hostile: true # Zombies, Skeletons, etc.
animals: true # Cows, chickens, etc.
players: true # Just players
# Additional y's coordinates to show hologram indicators
y-coord-addition: 1.0
loaded-configuration: "&aSuccess! Loaded %AMOUNT_MESSAGES% messages and %AMOUNT_SETTINGS% settings!"