This plugin serves to welcome people who enter the server.
- Customizable messages
- Particles upon entry
- Title and subtitle upon entry
- Sound upon entry
- Formatting codes
- Variables of PlaceHolderAPI
- Folia support
- /WelcomeText help
shows you the list of WelcomeText commands
- /WelcomeText version
shows the current version of the plugin
- /WelcomeText reload
reload plugin configuration
- welcometext.reload be able to use the plugin's reload command
- welcometext.notificationnoplaceholderapi
be able to receive notification that PlaceHolderAPI is not installed on the server
- welcometext.countexcesslimit be able to receive notification of excess number of particles
You can view the statistics of this plugin on:
bStats - WelcomeText
You need PlaceHolderAPI if you want information variables