A simple but powerful administration plugin for freezing players in place.
/freeze <player> - Freezes a player in place, if they leave the server they will be banned
/freeze reload - Reloads the config file to update any changes made while the server is running
/unfreeze <player> - Unfreezes a player
/freeze help - displays a help menu
/unfreeze help - displays a help menu
/freezegun (/fg for short) - gives the player a freeze gun
playerfreezer.use - Gives use to the /freeze and /unfreeze commands and /freezegun and usage of the freeze gun
playerFreezer.freeze - Gives use of /freeze command
playerFreezer.unfreeze - Gives use of /unfreeze command
playerFreezer.bypass - Prevents the user from being frozen
playerFreezer.freeze-gun - Gives use of /freezegun command and allows user to use the freezegun
If any value is set to be blank the message will be disabled
The placeholder %player% can be used in any of these messages
- onFreezeTarget: The message sent to the player when they are frozen
- onFreezeSender: The message sent to the player who froze another player
- unFreezeTarget: The message sent to the player when they are unfrozen
- unFreezeSender: The message sent to the player who unfroze another player
- blockCommand: The message sent to the player when they try to use a command
- blockInteract: The message sent to a frozen player when they try to interact with a block
- playerNotFrozen: The message sent when a player tries to unfreeze an non-frozen player
- playerAlreadyFrozen: The message sent when a player tries to freeze an already frozen player
- freezeWarning: The message sent to players when they try to move while frozen
- notFreezable: The message sent when a player tries to freeze a player with the permission playerFreezer.bypass
- noPermission: The message sent to a player when they try to run a command they do not have permission to use
- playerNotFound: The message sent when a player tries to freeze/unfreeze a player that the server cannot find
Freeze Gun
- freezeGun: A true/false value controlling if the freezegun is enabled
Controlling what being frozen does:
- canLookAround: A true/false value controlling if a frozen player can look around
- canInteract: A true/false value controlling if a frozen player can interact with items and blocks around them (Includes anything redstone, crafting, eating, ender pearls, etc)
- isBlind: A true/false value controlling if a frozen player can see
- canChat: A true/false value controlling if a frozen player can use the chat
- inventoryTrap: A true/false value controlling if a frozen player is trapped in a menu preventing them from leaving it or using their inventory
- allowedCommands: A list of commands that a user will be allowed to do when they are frozen
- punishCommands: The commands that are run when a player disconnects while frozen (These commands should have no "/" in front of them
More information
- If a player leaves while frozen, if they rejoin they will still be frozen
- Players will not be able to execute commands while frozen unless they have playerFreezer.bypass permission
- The icon for this resource is from IconBros