Use the latest version for Minecraft 1.21.4 1.12 for 1.21.2~1.21.3 1.11 for 1.21~1.21.1 1.10 for 1.20.6 1.8 for1.20.4 1.7 for1.20.2 1.6 for 1.20~1.20.1 1.5 for 1.19.4 1.4 for 1.19.3 1.3 for 1.18~1.19.2 AutoFishing
Description A simple plugin that allow players to automatically fish.
Commands ● /autofishing reload - reload the config file.
● /autofishing give [player] - give the specific rod to a player.
● /autofishing toggle - Enable/Disable auto fishing ability. (Default is enable)
Permissions ● autofishing.use - allow to automatically fish. (default: op)
● autofishing.admin - allow to use give/reload command. (default: op)
Code (YAML):
#How long should it auto reel in after bitten. #Over 25 ticks will cause the player to fail fishing. Ticks_After_Bitten: 5
#How long should it auto fishing again after reel in and caught something. Ticks_After_Caught: 20
Only_Specific_Rod: #If true, player need to use the specific rod below to use the auto fishing ability. Enable: false
#Some specific-rod setting. Rod_Name: "&6Auto Fishing Rod" Rod_Lore: -
"&fUse this to Auto-Fishing." #Set the CustomModelData, if you don't need it, set to 0. Rod_Model_Data: 0
#The plugin using nbt tag to check if player is using the specific rod, #so after you generate a rod by using /autofishing give, #you can use some item editor plugin to modify the rod and sell it using shop plugin or whatever you want.
Support If you have problems or want to report bugs, you can submit issues
here to give me more details.
To avoid malicious confusion, any reviews that only state the plugin is not working without providing any actual details will be ignored.