[1.9-1.21] [fork] Custom Recipes and Crafting (CraftEnhance) icon

[1.9-1.21] [fork] Custom Recipes and Crafting (CraftEnhance) -----

Make custom recipes through GUI's only - the only plugin that supports itemmeta, like enchantments.

Implemented support for Crafter
  • Added support for Crafter as it also has access to the custom recipes. Due to the shortcomings of the methods available is the crafting of custom recipes turned off, as it currently bypasses the permission demand.
  • Made debug for crafting cleaner and easier to read. However, you will not see all data set on the item currently.
Note: As default it will prevent custom recipes to be crafted at all, but not vanilla recipes. Either add below to your config.yml or remove the file and set it to false to allow custom recipes.
Code (YAML):
turn_of_crafter : true

As the Crafter events is set as experimental, can some breaking changes happen in the future. Also report any bugs you encounter, so I can fix it.

Thanks to @ snake293 for the report.

It also lacks easy way to know if player activate it, without some extra logic added. I will probably use same type of logic as the furnace and that means I will cache the player how place the Crafter. But as it not stable, will I wait little and see what will happens.
----------, Sep 6, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,970
First Release: Aug 13, 2023
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:46 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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