(NEW!) Geyser support → A compatibility section in the config.yml has been added from where the support for Geyser servers can be enabled. Enabling this support from the config will slightly adjust some of the plugin's features and visualizations, mostly unnoticed. The changes that will apply are listed down below:
The minimum inventory size is 3 rows. The close/back button will be pushed to the bottom. The other options will remain in their original position.
The item amount for enchantment books in the menu will remain 1, rather than showing the enchantment level as the item amount in the menu.
Navigating back by right-clicking has been reworked to the addition of a dedicated close/back button at the bottom of each GUI window.
GUI items can now be clicked in any sort of "click type", rather than just left-clicking.
This update involves changes to the config.yml and language files. It is recommended to back-up your existing files and compare to add the new settings and language entries, or to delete these and have the plugin generate new default ones for you.