Required permissions to navigation options (See the resource page for permissions).
Initial custom enchantments implementations as a proof of concept. The first enchantment as of this update is "Life steal", which can be accessed through the "Enchant" option in the Enchantment Nexus (/enchant).
The names for enchantments in the configuration have to be prefixed by the namespace. Please change this in your current configuration, or have the plugin generate a default one for you. For vanilla enchantments the prefix is "minecraft". For enchantments coming from plugins, that is the plugin's name in lowercase. Examples:
Converted the project from Gradle into Maven.
Improved the GUI architecture for exploit prevention and easier future updates.
Implemented a provider layer to the plugin which will allow the enchantment process of third-party "custom enchantment" plugins to be available in the /enchant menu.
For now, the only provider is the built-in Enchantment Nexus provider and the enchantments from Minecraft's vanilla set of enchantments.
As the plugin progresses, more third-party enchantment plugins will be added.
Bug fixes:
Fixed prefix spacing of the plugin's name in the chat of the character splitting the prefix with the message.