- Added drop chance (toggleable) per weapon depending on hitting ground or entity.
By default it's off, add it to your config in the on-hit section this way:
Code (Text):
# Potion Effects to give.
# Format:
# NAME, duration(in ticks), strength
# List for NAME: http://bit.ly/28MDLG2
- 'POISON, 60, 1'
- 'BLINDNESS, 60, 1'
# Put the entity on fire when hitting it.
enabled: false
# duration (in ticks) 20ticks = 1 sec. 1 tick = 0.05seconds
duration: 160
# Commands to execute when the weapon hits an entity.
# Commands executed as console!
# %thrower% -> The name of the player who threw the weapon.
# %hit% -> Player: his/her name.
# Entity without name: Type of entity. (e.g. "Pig", "Villager").
# Entity w/ custom name: Its custom name.
# %item% -> The name of this weapon. (of the item).
- 'say %thrower% hit %hit% with %item%!'
# Chance to drop when hitting ground (Out of 100)
enabled: false
chance: 40
# Chance to drop when hitting entity (Out of 100)
enabled: false
chance: 40