[1.8 to 1.21] Super Paintball [BUNGEE ONLY]
Achievements, Stats, Custom Messages, Money System, Kits, etc...
- Added support for 1.21.3 (v1_21_R2) and 1.21.4 (v1_21_R3).
- Fixed wrong versioning on Paper & variants
- Fixed Splash potions on versions prior to 1.12
- Added & tested 1.21 support.
- Added support for 1.20.6 (requires java 21)
- Added colored potions for each team (red/blue)
- Added & tested support for 1.20.4.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with 1.8 versions that would make water bombs unusable.
- Fixed a bug where water bombs would get thrown two by two and cause console errors.
- Fixed a bug where, when no players are online, NPCs would get duplicated every 100 seconds.
- Added and tested support for Minecraft 1.20.2.
- Fixed NPCs despawning at the end of a game and not respawning.
- Fixed various MySQL errors.
- Fixed MySQL Stats not appearing in the Player's Stats Book.
- Partial rewriting of MySQL's code. Currently, it is far from optimal (in terms of performance/speed) due to too many requests being performed. The number is already down by 10 times now, and will be further optimized in future versions.
- Minor performance fixes.
- Added Support for 1.20
- Minor fixes, notably non working custom skulls on NPCs
- Fixed MySQL Support which would print errors when a player joins on 1.18 or 19.
- Super Paintball now supports 1.18 and 1.19
- Some fixes (especially to hits not being registered) have been done in the way.
Please report any issue on the
Discord server!
Thanks a lot to the Spigot mods for being nice with me and allowing me to get back the resource after my inactivity
- 1.17.1 Support
- Fixes (including one causing games to not end)
- Fixed incompatibilities with 1.16.5.
- Fixed NPCs being naked.
- Fixed shotgun not damaging opponents.
- Other minor fixes and optimizaitions.
- Fixed Team Spawning Balance
- Fixed NPCs in other worlds
- Minor performance improvements and other fixes
- Added 1.14 Support
- Added bStats support
- Minor other fixes
- Fixed paintball gun painting blocks under grass etc resulting in the grass (or similar) being broken.
- Fixed dead player bodies not disappearing.
- Fixed NPCs not spawning.
- Fixed tons of 1.13 related issues.
- Fixed compatibility issues between the different supported minecraft versions.
- Fixed the config not registering the world on set up.
- Added support for 1.13 (R1 and R2)
- Fixed some 1.12 servers not loading the corresponding NMS module.
- Minor Fixes in 1.12 support
- Minor fixes in 1.12 support
- Added (BETA) Support for 1.12
Please report issues on the Discord!
You can now use several worlds.
- Fixed water bombs
- Fixed balancing problem
- Other minor fixes
- Regular noise caused by NPCs' armor stands.
- Fixed API being obfuscated.
- SuperPaintball wasn't working on some versions.
- Fixed 1.8.8 Support
- Added 1.9.4 Support (v1_9_R2)
- Added 1.10 support (v1_10_R1)
The 1.8.8 Fix is about the Sounds not working which were breaking whole plugin.
Fixed bugs, and added support for 1.9 (still supporting 1.8.8)
- Added Force Balancing Feature (Fix)
- Added Force Balance Feature (can be toggled off in config)
Fixed World Chunks not loaded.
- Added Max Game Time (Optional)
- Added Permissions:
- superpaintball.kits.shotgun
- superpaintball.kits.machinegun
- Performances Improvement
I'm not responsible of how you use Permissions, so if you have problems with EULA, it's your problem!
Fixed API and deobfuscated it.
To use:
SuperPaintballAPI api = SuperPaintball.getAPI();
Then do what you want

Now, you can send to a random hub instead of only one.

BugFixes and debug removes
Fixed some things about Back to Hub Item.
You can now send players to a defined server on end of a game.
You can now restart the server after x games. (you can toggle that).
You can when the server restarts send them to a defined server.
And some minor changements.
Added an API.
SuperPaintballAPI api = SuperPaintball.getAPI();
// and after here is an example method.
int kills = api.getKills(player.getUniqueId());
Achievements didn't save.
Bugs fixed:
- MySQL for stats and vault for money were making you had to purchase kits each time, it wasn't saving in database.
- Slabs, fences and stair could be painted.
A "little" bug fix:
- Wasn't setting the lines in mySQL if stats were to MySQL and money to file/vault.
Fixed MySQL disconnecting.
Fixed MySQL wrong column name for kits.
Particle Improvement and Minor BugFixes.
Fixed Negative Potions Bug.
% Fixed Vault! (Still needs an economy plugin, if you want a good SQL Economy Hooking vault, there is Fe Economy)
+ Added Tab Completion for commands!
Updated to Spigot 1.8.7 and Summer sale 50%!
Fixed a bug that, if you shoot a ball in the sky, and the game ends, it will hit the floor after and the arena won't be reset. So there will be blue blocks where it shouldn't.
Some bug fixes and made performances better.
When it was supposed to remove money with MySQL, it was adding. Same for vault. Sorry for the bug.
Added an option so you can show money in the scoreboard.
Fixed some bugs with the achievements rewards.
I'll try to soon work on the Shotgun etc. so it can one-shot. I'll explain you the problem, apparently between each projectile hit (EntityDamageByEntityEvent with a projectile) there is a weird delay. So it knows when the first snowball/enderpearl hits the player but if a second hits just after, it doesn't detect. I tried something but didn't work, I'll try to work on it soon.
MySQL Bug Fix and recompiled with 1.8.6
Teams balancing wasn't removing the player who leaves from the team.
Just a little bug which could create an endless game

[✓] Chat
[✓] Bug that when there were, for example, 2 red and one blue in lobby, if the blue player leaves, the game was 2 red vs 0 blue.
[+] = Added
[✓] = Fixed
[-] = removed
[-t] = removed temporary
[+] Stats Item in Lobby which opens an inventory and shows your stats.
[+] Placeholders for chat format (%money%, %wins%, %losses%, %kills%)
[✓] Fixed some bugs.
[✓] Fixed "$" bug in chat.
You have, unfortunately and I'm sorry, to delete the SuperPaintballStats MySQL Table if you were using MySQL (to have achievements).
[+] = Added
[✓] = Fixed
[-] = removed
[-t] = removed temporary