• Fix: Fixed webhook related issues (errors, message artifacts above embeds, etc.)
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Added a new placeholder which shows the countdown/last restart times in HH:mm:ss format (check wiki).
• Fix: Fixed issues with sounds playing on latest versions.
• Fix: Fixed {REASON} placeholder not being replaced in the force restart webhooks.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.21.4
• Change: Internal improvements to the Update Handler
• Change: Internal improvements to the Debug Handler
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Fixed error with sounds that would not allow commands to execute.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for version 1.21.3.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Fixed error when using SERVER_RESTART_COUNTDOWN and SERVER_FORCED_RESTART webhooks with the free version of the resource.
• Fix: Fixed update links going to the free version of the resource page while the premium version is installed.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.21.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.20.5, 1.20.6 and Folia.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: New placeholder for the force restart webhook {REASON}.
• Fix: New webhooks not firing on the actual event but only with the debug command.
• Fix: Improved update checker functionality.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Hotfix: Timestamp placeholder not working for all previous configurations, causing the plugin not to boot properly.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: {TIMESTAMP} placeholder not working for all webhook text fields.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Added new webhooks "SERVER_RESTART_COUNTDOWN" and "SERVER_FORCED_RESTART" as well as new placeholders you can now use in webhooks which are {FORMATTED} and {SECONDS} which returns the time till the restart either formatted or in seconds.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for version 1.20.4.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.20.2
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Hotfix: Removed unfinished timezone feature that was causing errors. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
• Addition: Support for 1.20 (1.20.1 too)
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Day-specific proxy commands not always executing.
• Addition: 1.19.4 Support.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: 1.19.1 Support.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.19.
• Addition: You can now define a reason when forcing a restart (e.g uar now 60 Updating Plugins sorry xdxd). New messages/sounds are COMMAND_FORCE_RESTART_GLOBAL_WITH_REASON and COMMAND_FORCE_RESTART_WITH_REASON.
• Addition: New placeholder for COMMAND_FORCE_RESTART_GLOBAL and COMMAND_FORCE_RESTART_GLOBAL_WITH_REASON. The placeholder is {1} and it'll show the name of the administrator that forced the restart.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Weird formatting for console messages.
• Fix: Sound intervals not working correctly.
• Fix: Secured messaging channels for both
UARVP, make sure to update.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Support for 1.18.2.
• Addition: Option to strip colors from console messages.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Webhooks not supporting UTF-8 encoding.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Patch to fix Spigot's SnakeYAML comment spam issue.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Change: Find new permissions
here. Populated plugins.yml with permissions, which allows for plugins like LuckPerms to properly tab-complete permissions.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Hotfix: Not being able to delete webhook fields.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Hotfix: Webhooks not loading in correctly.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Hotfix: Configuration sections resetting when they shouldn't.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Hotfix: Menu showing when executing some commands.
• Hotfix: Menu not showing when executing unknown commands.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Users without permissions able to view tab completions for UAR.
• Addition: Menu improvements (clickable commands, etc.)
• API: API has been overhauled entirely (some fixes too), check
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Unable to add/remove embed fields for webhooks.
• Fix: Missing tab complete for delay command.
• Fix: SERVER_BACK_UP webhook not working.
• Addition: Debug command to test webhooks (/ar debug). Check
wiki for more info.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: Fallback server feature for
UARBP (disabled by default).
• Change [API]: UAR's API is now available for Maven/Gradle, etc. Check main thread.
• Change [API]: Previous UltimateAutoRestartDelayEvent is now called UltimateAutoRestartAutoDelayEvent which is fired when the restart gets automatically delayed due to online players.
• Change [API]: New UltimateAutoRestartDelayEvent which is fired whenever the delay command is used.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
I would like to thank every one of you for using UltimateAutoRestart and making it the top restart plugin available! I have released a plus version which you can grab for just 2.5€ if you would like to support the development of UltimateAutoRestart.
• Fix: Invalid behavior when there is just one restart entry with past time.
• Fix: Issue with seconds to formatted string conversion.
• Fix: {PREFIX} placeholder not working for a console message.
• Addition: New "ar delay <interval>" command (check
wiki for full info).
• Addition: You can now use "HOUR:MINUTE" format in "ar now" and "ar delay" commands. Example: "ar now 3:0" will set the restart in three hours.
• Addition: Send discord webhooks on server restarts/boot (webhook.yml)
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
Disclaimer: By the time of this update, the latest 1.18 builds are buggy and are breaking plugins. If you get an error message on startup, please do not open tickets or request support as I cannot do anything about it.
• Fix: Gradients not working properly in actionbars/titles.
• Addition: Prefix option in messages.yml ({PREFIX} placeholder)
• Other: Reworked default configurations/console messages.
• Other: Updated Maven dependencies.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: 1.18 server support.
• Other: Moved all dependencies to Maven.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Gradients working correctly in messages.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Addition: New "centered" option in messages.yml for chat messages. Please note that messages will not always be fully centered as resource packs with custom fonts can have an effect.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
• Fix: Removed forgotten color codes for some console messages
• Addition: You can now add "day tags" to commands which let you add day-specific command execution. Read more about it
• Other: Changed the way tab-completion commands work, the aliases for UAR are now dynamic. Removing one from plugin.yml will also remove them from tab-completion.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
Read the updates notes or the plugin will break if you use proxy commands.
Addition: Support for Velocity, find the passthrough plugin
Change: Command formats for bungee have been changed in order to reflect the update that adds support for velocity (information on the wiki has also been updated). You need to manually change all of the following bungee command formats to the following:
Code (Text):
- [bungee] to [proxy]
- [bungee:x] to [proxy:x]
- [bungeedelay:x] to [proxydelay:x]
This update has been kindly sponsored by Lunar, check out their server at mc.cosmicsurvival.com!
Fix: Forgotten debug message on startup.
Addition: You can now use "Daily" in the week of the day section of restart entries which lets you easily schedule daily restarts. Example "Daily;05;00" will restart daily at 5 AM.
Please read the update notes to fully understand the new feature.
Fix: Missing ar stop from tab complete.
Addition: New command type (bungeedelay:<delay in seconds>), which schedules commands to be executed on the proxy itself. Those commands can only be used in restartCommands and sent on the proxy to be queued for execution when the server restarts. You can now basically run bungee commands without the need of an online player on x server (which is just the stupid way messaging channels work). There's an example in the default configuration.
You need to update UltimateAutoRestartBungeePassthrough too!
Addition (API): You can now get the restart delay in seconds from UltimateAutoRestartDelayedEvent with e.getTimeDelayedInSeconds.
Hotfix: Error when removing all restart schedules and reloading the plugin.
Other: Ever since the big update (Build 44) which changed the configuration structure of the whole plugin, the translation files are no longer applicable. It would take me too much time to manually replace each message for 10+ languages as well as issues as there are new messages and I don't really trust Google Translate. If you're speaking any of the translated languages and would be kind enough to spend 10 minutes translating the new messages file, please DM me.
(I would like to point out that I'm aware that these updates are really small but such issues frequently pop up and not at the same time. I would rather release quick hotfixes than wait in order to fix them all in a bigger update. Thanks for understanding.)
Hotfix: Fixed & added back custom events (only for devs).
Hotfix: Global restart-delay message not working.
Hotfix: Temporarily removed custom event calls as they seem to be bugging out on 1.17 and causing issues, sorry for any inconvenience.
Hotfix: Intervals not being formatted for force restart messages.
NOTE: Please read the update notes so that you are aware of all the changes. This update overhauls most of the plugin therefore a
configuration reset is required.
Fix: Special characters not working in messages.
Fix: Colors not showing in console messages.
Fix: Update notification settings not being saved after ar reload.
Addition: 1.17 support.
Addition: Separate configuration file for sounds & messages, each command and event now has their own sound, message section. You can also fully customize sounds (volume, pitch) and messages as well (chat, actionbar, title).
Addition: Tab completion for UAR commands.
Addition: Clickable wiki link in the plugin's menu.
Addition: Use any PAPI placeholders in UAR's messages.
Addition: API events (check the wiki).
Change: Invalid entries will now be mentioned in the console.
Change: Wrong sound messages are now clearer and will only display 3 times (to prevent spam).
Change: Update notifications are now clickable links in-game.
Hotfix: Issue where you couldn't use special chat characters (&l, &k, &o, etc.) when using RGB in messages.
Addition: RGB color support for messages (check wiki).
Addition: Message showing to all online players when "ar stop" is used.
Change: Changed main command from autorestart to ultimateautorestart due to some incompatibilities with other plugins (to remove aliases, edit plugin.yml).
Fix: Possible fix for a rare error that can happen after using the reload command.
Change: Players without permissions will now view the restart time even if using arguments for the command (previously only "/ar").
Addition: You can now use the $last placeholder in interval request messages to display how long ago the server was last restarted (applies to both /ar for users, and /ar time for admins)
Addition: PlaceholderAPI placeholders for the above, %ultimateautorestart_last_seconds% and %ultimateautorestart_last_formatted%.
Fix: An issue that would break plugin functionality if there were no restarts scheduled but a manual one was started via /ar now.
Fix: Removed some forgotten debug messages for timed commands.
Change: UltimateAutoRestart no longer uses an async bukkit runnable, but an independent timer (which means, the task will not be affected by TPS. Pretty much meaning that restarts will not be delayed anymore if your server has bad performance or lag spikes).
Change: Caching more data instead of accessing the configuration in order to grab values.
Change: Removed the intervalTicks configuration option as it is no longer required.
Change: The placeholders will now also show days if the hours are above 24+.
Fix: Just a small fix that addresses the extra space at the end when there's only minutes in the countdown. This update is optional and only needed if you want the formatting to be nice(r).
Build 40b changelog:
Addition: Configurations will now be automatically updated.
Fix: Fixed an issue with seconds, restarts should now happen with accuracy down to the second.
Build 40a changelog:
Fix: Fixed actionbar messages not working on 1.16.x servers.
Build 40 changelog (config.yml additions required):
Addition: Added the ability to modify the interval ticks for the restart interval task. Edit this
only if your server is having issues with lag.
Change: The reload command will now refresh restart entries & set new intervals.
Change: Changed startup message of the plugin to one line.
Configuration Additions:
Code (Text):
# Do not change this if you don't know what you're doing.
# Changing this will require you to modify timed commands, messages and sounds with values that are of the seconds (from ticks) multiplier. Example: intervalTicks = 40, will force you to use multipliers of 2 only.
# Example: Changing this to 200 will make the interval go down by 10 every 10 seconds (instead of 1 every 1 second).
intervalTicks: 20
Build 38 changelog (config.yml additions below):
Addition: You can now add a check for <configurable seconds> before the restart to check if <configurable amount> players are online at the time and then delay the restart by <configurable seconds>.
Configuration Additions:
Code (Text):
# delayRestart Notes:
# 1. Enabling this sytem will check <configurable time> seconds before restart if there are <x> players online, if there are it'll delay the restart by <configurable time> seconds.
# 2. minimumPlayers: 10 ---> This means that if there are 10 or more players online it'll delay the restart.
# 3. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR checkSecondsBeforeRestart AND delaybySeconds VALUES DO NOT INTERFERE WITH restartCommands ENTRIES!
# 4. informUsersWithPermission ---> Whether or not to send a message to users with "uar.notifydelay" that a delay happened.
enabled: true
checkSecondsBeforeRestart: 30
minimumPlayers: 1
delayBySeconds: 600
informUsersWithPermission: true
- '&7[UltimateAutoRestart] The restart has been delayed due to exceeding the online players threshold!'
Build 37d changelog:
Fix: Fixed an issue where the placeholders wouldn't show in various places where the player object is null (such as the MOTD).
Build 37c changelog:
Fix: Fixed an issue where "/ar now <value>" would obtain a decreased value causing any commands at the exact set time value not to run.
Build 37b changelog:
Fix: Fixed the $interval placeholder not working for actionbars in /ar.
Build 37a changelog (optional update):
Addition: As per many requests, you can now also use "24;00" when creating restart entries.
Fixed an issue where various browsers/antiviruses would flag the plugin as malicious. This happened due to obfuscation, no need to be alarmed.
Build 37 Changelog (requires config.yml additions):
Addition: You can now configure commands to be run x seconds after the server booted. Please note that those commands can only be timed ones and therefore need to follow the interval-based command format.
Fix: Fixed the possibility of an NPE regarding the update checker.
Configuration additions:
Code (Text):
- '[time:15] broadcast this will execute 15 seconds after server startup'
- '[bungee:30] command to be executed via bungee 30 seconds after server startup'
Build 36c Changelog (Small Patch):
Fix: The reload command will now re-cache restart commands and a bunch of other configuration values that should refresh when reloading.
Fix: Fixed a small color error within the version message.
Other: @BGHDDevelopment made a nice showcase/tutorial on the resource, check it out here!
Build 36b Changelog:
Hotfix: This fixes an async command execution error that pops on some forks of older versions of Spigot.
Build 36 Changelog (Look at the bottom for config.yml additions):
Addition: You can now create interval-based commands (execute x seconds before restart). (e.g '[time:10] time set day' will set the time to day 10 seconds before the restart).
Addition: You can now create interval-based bungee commands. (e.g '[bungee:5] send skyblock lobby', will send skyblock players to the lobby 5 seconds before the restart).
Addition: Added update notifications toggle in config.yml
Change: Changed update notifications format.
Config Additions:
Code (Text):
notifications: true
Build 35 changelog:
- You can now run bungee commands, the passthrough plugin is required to be installed on your bungee server in order for this to work. Read through the resource page to find out how to use this new feature, there's also a detailed example in the default configuration.
- There is now a 3 second delay between each bukkit command, this change has been made so bungee has time to react in case you have bungee commands configured.
- The actionbar handler has been changed to a more efficient one.
Build 34 changelog:
- Removed some old and obsolete code that would rarely cause a nullpointer when using the "/ar now" command.
- Removed the configuration section where you can edit the ticks of the task, this is no longer needed because the new system (from Build 31) fixes everything related to ticks.
Build 33 changelog:
- Completely recoded the reboot tasks, there are no longer interval reboots or specific reboots but reboot entries that allow you to create infinite entries for a specific day, hour and minute (e.g "Friday;23;00").
- Revamped most of the configuration, all default messages are now much cleaner. Useful notes have been added to the configuration as well.
- Fixed an issue that would not parse chat colors in the "requestWhileNoAutoReboot" string.
- Placeholders in the configuration have been changed to cleaner format (%interval% to $interval).
Build 32 changelog:
- As per request, I have added the ability to play sounds at specific intervals. Just add the code below to your configuration section. Make sure to use sound names that are appropriate for your server version.
- Fixed a small formatting error in the version check message.
Code (Text):
soundsEnabled: true
- '18000'
- '14400'
- '10800'
- '7200'
- '3600'
- '1800'
- '900'
- '600'
- '60'
- '50'
- '45'
- '30'
- '5'
- '4'
- '3'
- '2'
- '1'
Build 31 changelog:
- Replaced the old/deprecated task handler with a new one, which is much more efficient and should solve the rare timer issues on earlier builds.
- You can no longer edit the version message, instead, you get a much more informative message.
- Added "/uar", "ultimateautorestart" aliases.
Build 30 Changelog:
- Fixed an issue with Spigot's old update check API. You will no longer receive false update messages.
Build 29 Changelog:
- You can now use /ar version to check which version you're running on.
- A new permission has been added (uar.version)
- Add the following code to your configuration.
Code (Text):
- ''
- '&eUltimateAutoRestart is running on &a&n%version%&r&e!'
- ''
- If there is an update available it'll send a message to the console as well as a message to opped players when they join the server.
- Added an option that allows you to change the countdown speed by modifying the task's ticks.
Note: (Add to configuration or this update will not work)
Code (Text):
# The ticks option will either decrease the cooldown quicker or faster, edit this value only if your server makes the
# counter go down really quick or really slow. 20 Ticks = 1 Second
ticks: 20
- Fixes an issue that would force a space between hours/minutes/seconds in the interval format.
- Fixes an issue that would not start an interval if a specific restart time was set to a time later than the current time.
- Fixes an issue that would not display the interval seconds in the console debug message when using the specific restart option.
- You can now translate the interval format again.
- You can now set a specific time of day for the restarts.
- Fixed an issue with /ar time when used from the console.
# You can choose between autoReboot and specificReboot, having them both enabled will cause issues
# specificDailyRebootAt follows this format -> hour;minute
Note: For this update to work add the following to your configuration:
Code (Text):
specificDailyReboot: true
specificDailyRebootAt: 19;30
You can now delay the autoreboot task on server startup.
For this update to work you must add the following to your configuration:
Code (Text):
autoRebootStartupDelay: 2
Note: The value must be a positive integer and is in seconds.
- You can now customize how the cooldown appears.
Note: Add the following to your config.yml or else this update will not work.
Code (Text):
seconds: 's '
second: 's '
minutes: 'm '
minute: 'm '
hours: 'h '
hour: 'h '
splitter: 'and '
- This update adds a better time conversion system, commas (,) will no longer display when there's no following time.
- bStats Metrics have been added back.
- You can now toggle detailed startup information.
Add the following to your config.yml or let it re-generate:
Code (Text):
detailedStartup: true
- Fixes a PlaceholderAPI issue that would make placeholders not work correctly.
- Fixes restart commands not being run correctly
- Fixes config entries
- Updated to PAPI's new placeholder system.
- Reworked most of the code.
FIX: Fixes the interval placeholder not updating sometimes when using /ar time
FIX: Fixes the /ar stop command not working at times
Code (Text):
- FIX: Fixed the reload message not showing when reloading
Code (Text):
ADDITION: Administrators can now use /autorestart time to view the interval.
CHANGE: The menu message is no longer customizable.
FIX: Fixes a value caching issue that would display the interval as "n/a" while it's running.
Code (Text):
ADDITION/FIX: You can now use /ar now <interval> when autoReboot is set to false or true.
Code (Text):
ADDITION: You can now use /autorestart stop to stop the auto-reboot from happening.
Permission Node: 'uar.stop'
Code (Text):
FIX: Fixes the interval not starting if it was forced while the autoReboot option was set to false.