Addition: There is now an extra argument for the force redeem command (true/false), whether or not to respect uses per player.
e.g /forceredeem [ID] [PLAYER] [TRUE] will respect the uses per player and will not redeem the code for the player if they have already redeemed it before. (False will not respect that flag and redeem the code either way).
Add to configuration:
Code (Text):
- '&8&m----------------------------------------------+'
- ' &e&l&oRedeemable Codes &7Error:'
- ' &8» &fYou have already redeemed this code once! (Forced Redeem)'
- '&8&m----------------------------------------------+'
- '&8&m----------------------------------------------+'
- ' &e&l&oRedeemable Codes &7Error:'
- ' &8» &f$player has already redeemed this code!'
- ' &f(To bypass this set respectUsagePerPlayer to false)'
- '&8&m----------------------------------------------+'