1.8-1.21.4 ⭐Advanced Crates⭕ 17 Premium Animations ✅ Custom Item Support ✅ In-Game Editor ✨ icon

1.8-1.21.4 ⭐Advanced Crates⭕ 17 Premium Animations ✅ Custom Item Support ✅ In-Game Editor ✨ -----

⭐ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported ⭐ Edit Everything InGame⭐Save Items quickly InGame

1.6.2 Update Changelog
  • Added a new command! /amc sgive - a silent give command with which the receiving player won't get a message that he received a crate. (Requested feature)
  • Added OnlyPlaceableAt: "x,y,z" - you can use this in the crate configurations to make that specific crate placeable only in the given coordinates. There also is a new message configuration for this "Crate_Placed_At_Wrong_Location". (Requested feature)
  • Fixed when placed crates not being completely in the middle, now the animation are spawned more precisely.
----------, Sep 23, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,884
First Release: Jun 3, 2019
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:31 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
133 ratings
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