[1.17.1 - 1.21.4] Ultra Cosmetics [OPENSOURCE & FREE!!] icon

[1.17.1 - 1.21.4] Ultra Cosmetics [OPENSOURCE & FREE!!] -----

#1 Cosmetics plugin! Treasure Chests, Gadgets, Hats, Pets, Morphs, Mounts, Effects and more!

MANY fixes!
  • As I still can't reproduce exactly Pet Names issues. I made a "dirty" fix, but that should at least remove all armor stands UltraCosmetics generated and that didn't get deleted plugin disables (serverr shuts down or reloads).
  • Fixed Slime and Spiders (real ones) not moving.
  • Fixed some interferences with NPC.
  • Unfortunately, after trying to fix the NoteBlockAPI support, strange isssues are still happening and it doesn't work. So, sadly NoteBLockAPI support has been removed. Disco Ball and Nyan Sheep will *no longer* play any song.
  • New Cosmetic registering System. It has been implemented yet for Suits and Gadget Types. This new system is cleaner and will allow adding Cosmetics from external plugins.
  • New Menu system in progress. Also Code cleaning, but also authorizing external plugins to use easier the GUIs.
  • Fixed Pumpling not following its owner.
  • Fixed Treasure Chests holograms locations.
  • Events (things called when something happens like when a player joins) now have higher importance in UltraCosmetics. Which should avoid many plugin conflicts.
  • Added emotes to /uc clear command.
  • Fixed Gadgets being dropped on death in some circumstances.
  • And many other fixes.
----------, Jul 17, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 368,684
First Release: Aug 13, 2015
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
953 ratings
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