As I still can't reproduce exactly Pet Names issues. I made a "dirty" fix, but that should at least remove all armor stands UltraCosmetics generated and that didn't get deleted plugin disables (serverr shuts down or reloads).
Fixed Slime and Spiders (real ones) not moving.
Fixed some interferences with NPC.
Unfortunately, after trying to fix the NoteBlockAPI support, strange isssues are still happening and it doesn't work. So, sadly NoteBLockAPI support has been removed. Disco Ball and Nyan Sheep will *no longer* play any song.
New Cosmetic registering System. It has been implemented yet for Suits and Gadget Types. This new system is cleaner and will allow adding Cosmetics from external plugins.
New Menu system in progress. Also Code cleaning, but also authorizing external plugins to use easier the GUIs.
Fixed Pumpling not following its owner.
Fixed Treasure Chests holograms locations.
Events (things called when something happens like when a player joins) now have higher importance in UltraCosmetics. Which should avoid many plugin conflicts.
Added emotes to /uc clear command.
Fixed Gadgets being dropped on death in some circumstances.