[1.17.x-1.21.x] MultiWorld icon

[1.17.x-1.21.x] MultiWorld -----

World Mangement for Minecraft

Version: 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT
I'm running this plugin on Purpur 1.21.1 and it works as intended. Good Multiverse alternative as it neatly implements tab completion, as well as (my favorite part) being able to load custom dimension worlds! Wouldn't ask for more

Version: 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT
Plugin works as intended but the developers ban those who give constructive feedback. They seemed to be agitated and very unfriendly.
Author's response
There you see the disrespectful behaviour again. No more words for something like that

Version: 1.6.8-SNAPSHOT
Great plugin :)
usually don't rate but people really angers me when i see them 1 starring just because, or having personal beef with the authors
Author's response
Thank you for your review. I am glad to see that there are still people who think along ♥️

Version: 1.5.5-SNAPSHOT
I get paid for the review. Schlechtester Crafter EU West junge. Du bist super BAAAAAAAAAAD

Version: 1.5.4-SNAPSHOT
Hi ! Sorry, but plugin does not let me teleport to the created world. He gives me an error with a reason : no value present
I don't know what's happening.
Author's response
Please read the description....

Version: 1.4.9-SNAPSHOT
The plugin is constantly updated and accepts user suggestions, I love the author and I love the plugin!
Author's response
Thank you very much for the kind words!

Version: 1.4.9-SNAPSHOT
Nice Plugin Easy Multi World Creation and Friendly Discord Support, even replys to Update Suggestions
Author's response
Thank you very much for the kind words!

Version: 1.4.8-SNAPSHOT
Plugin works great, but be careful with asking anything from this guy. He will throw the same things over and over. Some examples; Work on your attitude, people like you... , being american means you are dumb. Can continue for a while but not worth it, anyways, multiverse-core is the way. Not this salty guy.
Author's response
It's a good thing we never spoke to each other. It's always interesting to see how people behave after they don't get what they want. Either you are a second account of @TheTakenSquid or a known one that is supposed to be an opinion booster. Look at the other reviews 90% positive so anyone who thinks about it can tell you're full of shit. And such behavior at the age of 33 is even more sad. Have a nice day

Version: 1.4.8-SNAPSHOT
Author was rude to me in the discord support, plugin works fine though just don't expect help without them getting mad at you for someone else already asking the question who knows how long ago.
Author's response
I have answered your questions if you are not able to communicate in a reasonable way then you should work on your attitude. People like you make sure that developers like me are no longer interested in developing plugins.

Version: 1.4.6-SNAPSHOT
Completely underrated plugin.
Highly recommended, if you want a proper plugin and customer support you will find it right here.
Author's response
Thank you for your kind words!

Version: 1.4.6-SNAPSHOT
Völlig Underrated Plugin.
Wärmstens zu Empfehlen, möchte man ein Ordentliches Plugin und Kunden Support findet man das genau hier.

Version: 1.4.6-SNAPSHOT
Very good plugin, does what it's supposed to do and more. Can only recommend for any server!
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words.

Version: 1.4.4-SNAPSHOT
This plug-in is lighter than other World Management plug-ins
Helped me drastically reduce my server's resource usage
Author's response
Thank you for this review! I'm glad to hear that you like this plugin!

Version: 1.4.4-SNAPSHOT
Can I disable the shortcut command /w for this plugin?
I can't send a private message because of this

Version: 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT
Simple plugin as an easy solution for hosting multiple worlds on one server. Comes without the overhead of multiverse and without the complexity of bungee.
Developer is very supportive, handles requests and problems professionally and quickly and is open for ideas and improvements.
Author's response
Thank you for your Feedback!

Version: 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT
This is way better than multiverse! Developer is perfect and is trying to add your ideas as soon as possible. THIS IS AWESOME
Author's response
Thank you very much for the kind words!

Version: 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT
Ignore the Review below me, i has no glue that this is a WorldManagementPlugin and not a PortalPlugin. There are some Portalplugins out there to use for such things. That is not a feature that is needed in the World-Management-Plugin itself.

Thx for your Amazing Plugin Dev7ex and keep up your great work! A Plugin that has exact the features a good Managementplugin must provide and no Bloatware like Multiverse. Its perfect.

lg Sidias
Author's response
Thank you for the kind words. I know that there are some people who really prefer this plugin but of course you have to understand that at some point it's just annoying when people ask for features in the *ratings*. MultiWorld still expects a big update stay tuned.

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Can this plugin connect to multi-world portals like Multiverse-NetherPortals?
Hopefully a complete replacement for Multiverse.
Author's response
Is this a review?
Pleased use the discussion Tab...

Exactly because of something like this I have no interest to update this plugin....

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Yeah, unbelievable. Finally the impossible become true somehow and there are now Custom World Generators usable with this Plugin.

Ignore the Review below me, they are only not able to read and use the Plugin wrong.

MultiWorld is one, if not the, greatest World-Management-Plugins you can get. It even is a better Standart than Multiverse now.

I really hope this Plugin now get to the greatness it deserves.

Bring up your great work. Its nearly on a complete other Level than any other World-Management-Solution i know so far.

Im glad to give it another try. And im sure i will stay on this plugin.

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Hello, I ran into a problem. There is an auto-loading of the world in the plugin config, but how can I add 2 worlds at once?
Author's response
https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/multiworld.506959/ < This is a discussion area. To your problem you have to specify the worlds as follows: auto-load: [world1, world2, world3]

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
plugin doesn't working i type /multiword no reaction i lost my world
I download multiverse-core
Author's response
Tell me on Discord what went wrong

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
how to set the other world gamemode/pvp/gamerule/time ..................................
Author's response
Questions can be asked in the discussion area. This is a rating. the /world option command can change these parameters.

Version: 1.3.1-SNAPSHOT
Great Plugin ill always use this best thing ever that i have found i use this in my 1.19.3 server and will use it in all my server here soon
Author's response
Thanks for this review!

Version: 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
Cool and fast Multiworldplugin with blazing fast support that dont care about what you say. He waste your time with promises and if you said him that a common feature like Custom-Generator-Support is not build-in which is standart in such Plugins he blames you for wishing something impossible and similar stuff...

Dev ask on other hand for help to say him features or things that the plugin dont have but if you answer youre a bad boy... -.-

Author also faked a screen in last review of mine to hold against me. To be clear.. HE ASK ME WHY his WorldManagementPlugin dont get more Downloads and become the new Standart like Multiverse and I said him that he dont support Custom-Generators. That dont mean i want that feature... it means thats why..

Dont be so rude and dont fake any stuff to get a better rating and dont lie! unbelievable...
Author's response
Interesting what changes when you don't get what you want

Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
I give rarely 5 Stars and im very critic. But thats by far (and believe me i tested them all over the last 12 years) the best WorldManagementPlugin i ever used.

Thx for that incredible Work. Its lightweight, has no stupid features nobody ask for and hast outstanding performance by importing and managing worlds.

Keep this masterpiece alive =).
Author's response
Thanks for this amazing review!
That means a lot to me.

If you have a problem or something else with MultiWorld contact me!

Version: 1.1.8-SNAPSHOT
Works well but how do I configure it so I spawn in the last location I was in instead of spawn?
Author's response
Hi, thanks for this review!
MultiWorld don't support such a feature

This MultiWorld version does not get any more updates.
Im Sorry.

Version: 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT
I like the plugin and the developer is very helpful. The code of the plugin is also clean! Thank you for the nice plugin! :)
Author's response
Thanks for this review!

Version: 1.1.6-SNAPSHOT
Good plugin, and the developer of this plugin, the top plugin, works great, I advise you to use it!
Author's response

Version: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT
A very convenient and simple plugin that can fully help when creating a spawn or lobby on the server.
I would also like a feature so that when moving from one world to another, players with permission do not change gamemode creative to gamemode survival.
Many thanks to the author for the plugin!
Author's response
I add a value to the config to deactivate this feature

Thanks for your review!

Version: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT
Please allow Auto Gamemode to be turned off. _________________________________
Author's response
Will be added in the next version.

Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT
Great! I love it, and use it in all the servers i (try to) make! Although a little suggestion would to add @p and @a, that would just make it usable for like buttons to take you to the server, like with command blocks... Other then that its awesome!
Author's response
Thanks for your review!

I'm not sure if I should include this feature
but I'll text you in the next few days!

Version: 1.1.3
very good updates ! great work keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you will go a long way with your work
Author's response

Version: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
Hi Guys,

first you have to praise this plugin and the developer! The functionality of the plug-in is almost identical to Multiverse, with minor deductions. However, it is much more efficient and conserves resources! Anyone looking for a multiverse core replacement will find it here!

What I don't understand are the negative reviews. What is the point of writing the errors in a review and not forwarding them to the developer first. I am also in contact with the developer and he is very easy to reach!

In addition, the negative reviews are due to a lack of reading skills. @Catirra Your mistakes only arise because you haven't read the installation instructions. You should be able to expect that from a woman your age.
Author's response
Thank you for your Feedback!

Version: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
This is probably the worst world management plugin, doesn't allow to autoload worlds, so if you add new one, you have to load it via command again. Doesn't respect the config, for some sake reason every world is set to PEACEFUL and if you change it to NORMAL in the worlds config it will be like, hahaaha, good joke, you are not going to change it to normal, because after restarting (properly saving before) it won't allow spawning on monsters even in config the NORMAL value is present. Also really bad code quality when you want to load new world, you can't tab complete because it's broken currently and gonna spam your whole console when typing every single char with internal error. I don't recommend anyone to use it, stick with typical solutions.
Author's response
Your first Problem is your mistake you have to import the world first manually
The second and third Problem is fixed in MultiWorld 1.1.3

Version: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
[03:08:23 ERROR]: Exception when OreoYami attempted to tab complete multiworld create OreoYami
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception during tab completion for command '/multiworld create OreoYami ' in plugin MultiWorld v1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.tabComplete(PluginCommand.java:150) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at org.bukkit.command.Command.tabComplete(Command.java:93) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.tabComplete(SimpleCommandMap.java:231) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.tabCompleteCommand(CraftServer.java:1768) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.tabComplete(CraftServer.java:1740) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.command.BukkitCommandWrapper.getSuggestions(BukkitCommandWrapper.java:49) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at com.mojang.brigadier.tree.ArgumentCommandNode.listSuggestions(ArgumentCommandNode.java:71) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher.getCompletionSuggestions(CommandDispatcher.java:596) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher.getCompletionSuggestions(CommandDispatcher.java:579) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:573) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInTabComplete.a(SourceFile:35) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInTabComplete.a(SourceFile:9) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$0(PlayerConnectionUtils.java:19) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.TickTask.run(SourceFile:18) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask(SourceFile:144) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext(SourceFile:118) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.bb(MinecraftServer.java:942) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.executeNext(MinecraftServer.java:935) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks(SourceFile:127) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick(MinecraftServer.java:919) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:851) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0(MinecraftServer.java:164) ~[spigot.jar:2991-Spigot-018b9a0-f3f3094]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_291]
I can't create a world
Author's response
I have offered you so maby times to look for this error, but apparently there is no interest.

Version: 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
Hello, This plugin is highly recommended for servers !
The author does beautiful things in this plugin ! Continue like this...
Author's response
Thank you for your Feedback!

Version: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
Hello, congratulations on your work, this plugin is highly recommended for your server..
Author's response

Version: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT
good update, the best plugins for worlds !!!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Author's response
Thanks for this review!

Version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Hey I liked the plugin from now on I will use it, I am going to uninstall Multiverse core

If you want to have a list of servers that use it, do not hesitate to add us, I really love the super light plugin

Author's response
Thanks for this review! I add your server to the plugin description!

Version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Hello, this plugin is very good, I highly recommend it...

Would it be possible to add "/help" messages to config.yml?
Author's response
Thanks for your review! Sure i can add this feature in a future update.

Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Really nice plugin for world management! But I have like a main SMP world, so If i wanted to play manhunt i could create world on this plugin and play while the other one is also open?
Author's response
Thanks for your Feedback! The answer is yes your Server can handle more than one world at the same time.

Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
This plugin is much better than Multiverse.
It is light and contains all the essential functions.

I don't understand how OMGPandaYT gets its rating. He probably never installed it. I hope the karma strikes back!

The developer is a very nice and open-minded person!
I hope the project here has a bright future.
Author's response
Thanks for your Feedback!

Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
it worked pefectly if you are new to plugins and you are confused this is the one you need very very easy and simple / commands I use it for my smp and its great :D
Author's response
Thanks! If you have an Idea to improve this plugin let me know!

Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Realy friendly Developer and easy to use!
Much better then any other!!!
Highly recommended
Author's response
Thank you for your Feedback!

Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
oh my god, this is horrid. Just use MultiVerse it's much better, has more features, and is less laggy
Author's response
Why is this horrid? This Plugin is much easier than multiverse. Use it before rate :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 50,420
First Release: May 20, 2021
Last Update: Jan 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings