- Support for 1.21.3.
- The following custom attributes have been moved to the damage module: NYCTOPHOBIA, VAMPIRE, SOFT_LANDING.
Additionally, the previously known NYCTO attribute has been updated to NYCTOPHOBIA (now part of the damage module instead).
Documentation on how to use these can be found in the updated wiki page.
- Default races have their preset damage module disabled by default to avoid confusion while still providing example usage.
- Updated default races' sounds.
- Vanilla attributes would speed up the player.
- Head textures in the GUI disabled the plugin.
- You were unable to make use of the spectator mode due to the flight attribute clashing.
- Race sounds would not work if the player was hurt by a damage cause not present in the configuration file. (
- You could not use the plugin with a server version below 1.21.
Questions / Suggestions / Bug Reports