New lang entries have been added for new player-deny-glide option.
You can delete the lang folder to regenerate with new entries or add the following :
Code (Text):
option-apply-player-deny-glide="&cYou do not have access to glide in this claim and have been teleported to a safe spot on ground."
option-description-player-deny-glide="&aUsed to determine if a player is unable to glide in a claim.\n&dNote&f: This does not give players the ability to glide, it merely removes the ability if set. This provides the greatest compatibility with plugins."
permission-build-chest-border="&cYou are not allowed to place a chest next to a chest that is not in a claim you're trusted in."
player-deny-glide="Controls whether a player has ability to glide in this claim."
Tag Config
GD now provides its own tag.conf file for server admins to easily create new tag groups used as contexts for 1 or more id's. This is an alternative to datapacks and for some much easier to use.
Player Glide Option
GD now provides a new option called 'player-deny-glide'. This new option will allow server admins to deny elytra glide in claims.
Note: It will not affect normal fly when used.
Hybrid Improvements
Mod entity registration has been updated to support latest Mohist/Magma/Arclight changes.
A new pixelmon provider has been added to provide new contexts such as detecting if a pixelmon spawned as wild or not.
2.5.1 Changelog
Code (Text):
* Fix resize bug not updating remaining blocks properly when using DB storage.
* Fix `ui-click-to-see` de_DE translation.
* Fix model data not working in inventory GUI.
* Fix NPE in handleBlockModifyEvent when GD world disabled.
* Fix pvp flag not being checked properly for all users.
* Fix respawns bypassing border claim checks.
* Fix expiration timer showing when expiration set to 0.
* Fix GDOption getPermission method.
* Fix getActiveOptionValue when passing null claim.
* (Hybrid) Fix hybrid entity registration in MC 1.18.2+
* Add new `tag.conf` for easier way to add custom tags.
* Add new player option `player-deny-glide` for controlling whether a player can glide in a claim.
* Add new protection message when attempting to place a chest next to another chest in a claim not trusted.
* Add new setting `respawns-use-border-event` for controlling whether respawns should check `enter-claim` and `exit-claim` flags.
* Add new player context `gliding` when elytra is equipped.
* (Hybrid) Added new pixelmon provider to support following new contexts
Note: Use `source=spawnreason:natural` and `pokemon_spawn_type=wild` if you want to block only wild spawns.
* Update it_IT preset lang file. (Provided by Tig3r)