This release adds various improvements and bug fixes.
Improved Flag Debug
GD's flag debug command 'gddebug' will now provide a new column called 'Definition'. This column will display all flag definitions that are matched with the action a player is doing.
For example, if a player right-click's on a chest, the previous versions would only display 'interact-inventory' in the flag column. With 2.4.3, an additional column named 'Definition' will display 'chest-access' and any other definitions that use the same flag and context in action.
Inventory GUI customizations
GD's gui config (gui.conf) will now generate a row/slot for most icons giving admins the ability to move around their icons as they see fit. If no row/slots are specified, GD will fallback to default placement.
Code (Text):
* Fix admin/wilderness owners not being checked in permissions properly.
* Fix `interact-inventory-click` not being checked if disabled during events.
* Fix gddebug sometimes not showing proper user.
* Fix random claim messages being sent to players with 'async-claim-tool-actions' enabled.
* Improve inventory GUI error handling.
* Add flag definition column to gddebug.
* Add row/slot customization support for inventory GUI.
* (Fabric/Forge) Fix NPE during claim inspections.