This release adds support for MC 1.18.2 along with database performance enhancements and various bug fixes.
Code (Text):
* Fix placeholder griefdefender_claim_name not working after restart.
* Fix admin settings being accessed by normal users in /claiminfo.
* Fix entity move event listener not handling non-player blacklist entries.
* Fix claim tools not being processed if interact-item-secondary flag was blacklisted.
* Fix custom flags being checked if enabled.
* Fix ClassCastException when creating towns.
* Fix italics being set as a default in inventory GUI with no formatting set.
* Fix title serializer issue when using ; in title.
* Fix wrong title being displayed for silverfish-block-infest and fall-entity-damage flag definitions.
* Add support for MC 1.18.2
* Add support for EntityInteractEvent.
Note: This should protect non-player entities interacting with blocks such as pressure plates.
* Improve PlayerInteractEvent listener.
* Improve block notify listener performance.
* Load/Update claim data async when using database storage.
* Send ProcessTrustUserEvent messages to action bar instead of chat.