[1.12.2-1.21.4] GriefDefender - claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection icon

[1.12.2-1.21.4] GriefDefender - claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection -----

Protection, Claims, GriefPrevention, Flags, Rent, Sell, Folia.

Performance Update, Bug Fixes, Hybrid improvements, Config improvement and much more!
Due to recent 1.5.x changes, you will need to perform the following before starting server with new update

  • On bukkit, delete ./plugins/GriefDefender/lang and ./plugin/GriefDefender/lib
  • On sponge, delete ./config/GriefDefender/lang and ./config/GriefDefender/lib
The flags.conf will have to be deleted or modified to account for new flag definitions from recent 1.5.x changes.

Note: As this update contains many bug fixes and improvements, it is recommended to take a full backup of LuckPerms and GriefDefender data.
Note: Due to a LP group trust fix, all existing LP group permissions that start with 'griefdefender.trust' will need to append '.*' to end of it. Previously, trusting a LP group would not trust in lower trust levels. For example, if you trusted a group called 'member' with the builder level then the permission would exist as 'griefdefender.1.2'. This permission would need to change to 'griefdefender.1.2.*'
You can also untrust then re-trust the group in claims affected to fix issue.
Note: If you are using a custom plugin that uses GD's API, it will have to be rebuilt with kyori event libs relocated.
The following kyori libs should be added to dependencies in build.gradle
Code (Text):

compileOnly "net.kyori:event-api:3.0.0"
compileOnly "net.kyori:event-method:3.0.0"
compileOnly "net.kyori:event-method-asm:3.0.0"
Then you must add the relocate lines within the shadow task
Code (Text):

relocate("net.kyori", "com.griefdefender.lib.kyori")

Performance Improvements

Bukkit servers should see a noticeable improvement in overall GD performance. GD's tracker has undergone many optimizations to improve performance.

Config Improvement

GriefDefender world configuration files will no longer automatically remove duplicate settings that exist in global config. Any settings admins place in these files will persist as expected.

Hybrid Update

Tracking has been improved for mods on hybrid servers. TileEntities will now be tracked on tick and should show up in GD's debug. Fakeplayers should no longer show up as unknown. Block place and break logic has been improved to better support fakeplayers.

Italian Translation

Italian is now supported for translations. Big thanks to Fabrimat for providing it.


Code (Text):

* Fix 3D claims not checking claim blocks during resize.
* Fix group trust permissions not being set/checked properly.
* Fix unloaded users showing up with their UUID in LuckPerms editor.
* Fix cleanup task not checking expiration for small basic claims.
* Fix 'commandblock-place' flag definition.
* Fix active contexts sometimes using cached gd_claim context caused by LP race condition.
* Fix gd_claim_override persisted permissions being removed from griefdefender_definition group on startup.
* Fix missing 'claim-name' entry in en_US lang.
* Fix override permission lookups not checking transient data.
Note: As flag definition defaults are now stored as transient, overrides must check transient data along with persistent.
* Fix accrued blocks being set to max when player exceeded max accrued blocks.
* Fix entity-damage flag not being checked when pvp module is disabled.
* Fix chorus-fruit-teleport flag definition using wrong flag.
* Fix auto-schematic-restore not working when claims expire or /gd abandon all is used.
* Fix non-chest claims expiring when within auto-chest creation size.
* Mark claims auto-created by chests.
* Remove gd_claim_override persisted permissions from group 'griefdefender_definition' that are not single claim overrides.
* Improve player interact event handling.
* Improve player teleport/login handlers for performance.
* Improve tracker performance.
   - Move all block physics event handling to one handler.
   - Remove unnecessary block state lookups for observers.
   - Ignore wilderness tracking.
Note: This should provide a major boost to GD's BlockPhysicsEvent timings.
* Improve permission lookup performance.
* Don't load tracking data on chunk load.
Note: Tracking data will now only be loaded when requested.
* Reduce amount of object churn during claim lookups.
* Add claim creation settings to config.
Note: This allows you to control if a claim is expirable, resizable, shows deny messages, inherits parent, or requires claim blocks.
* Add support for hot plugin reload.
Note: This has only been tested with PlugMan.
* Clear transient permissions on reload.
* Add 'trustallgroupadmin' and 'untrustallgroupadmin' to trust/untrust all admin claims.
* Add missing flag disable checks in event listeners.
* Add missing blacklist checks to many events.
* Add italian translation.
Note: Big thanks to Fabrimat for providing translations.
* Add support for RevoltCrates
* Add Bluemap integration.
* Add last active permission node griefdefender.user.command.info.others.last-active for PlayerInfo.
* Automatically adjust GD default group priority on startup/reload.
Note: To control priority for GD groups, alter settings in permission group category within global config.
* Cancel PlayerInteractEvent after modification tool usage (golden shovel).
* Update to Configurate 4.0.0
* Implement configurate node visitor to maintain any user changes to children world/dimension configs.
* Rewrite getSafeLocation to improve /trapped usage and prevent WorldBorder issues.
* Automatically populate GriefDefender node in world/dimension configs if it does not exist.
* Force /buyclaimblocks, /giveblocks , and /sellclaimblocks on main thread to fix wrong result message.
Note: Chest expiration option will now only affect auto-created chest claims.
* Check trust during enter/exit flag checks.
* Clear transient options on reload.
* Only allow auto-chest-claim radius to be 1 or greater. A value of 0 will now disable auto-chest-claim creation.
* Cleanup auto-chest creation code.
* Cleanup permission removal for untrust commands.
* Allow /ignoreclaims to damage protected animals.
* Updated ASM dependencies to version 9.1.
* Update jar relocator to 1.4.
* (Hybrid) Improve user detection during block break and place caused by a fake player.
* (Hybrid) Fix unknown username with fakeplayer.
* (Hybrid) Add new context 'source=#fakeplayer' during fakeplayer actions.
* (Hybrid) Add TileEntity tick tracking during block place/break for hybrid servers.
* (Bukkit) Fix group trust not applying proper permission in LuckPerms.
* (Bukkit) Add workaround for Geyser ASM conflict on startup.
* (Bukkit) GP Bukkit migrator.
    - Add new setting 'classic-playerdata-threshold' to control whether to migrate GP playerdata based on last active date. (Default: 180 days)
    - Ignore migrating playerdata with no known bukkit playerdata.
Note: This will avoid adding LP user data for inactive users.
* (Sponge) Fix entities spawned by players triggering player move logic.
----------, May 18, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,452
First Release: Jul 23, 2019
Last Update: Dec 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
143 ratings
Find more info at www.griefdefender.com...
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