:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨  [1.8-1.21] icon

:【ChatSentry】: ✅ Intelligent chat filter, Anti-Spam, Anti-AD, Automod, & more. ✨ [1.8-1.21] -----

The superior content filtration system for Minecraft servers. Trusted by over 650 servers.

5.2.3 // Link & Ad Blocker and Word & Phrase Filter improvements


Update 5.2.3 [reupload: quick LAAB patch]

  • New 'notify-when-censored' option added to the Word & Phrase Filter's censor options. This option determines whether the module should send Admin Notifier notifications when a message is censored. When set to false false notifications will only be sent when the censor fails to censor a message and has to block it entirely, or a nocensor:: entry is triggered. This option requires the Admin Notifier module to be enabled to take effect.

    Note: this option makes the filter use increased processing power

  • Improvements to the Word & Phrase Filter's censor. Symbols embedded within blocked entries can now be processed by the censor, reducing the rate the censor fails and has to block a message entirely

  • Improvements to the Word & Phrase Filter's partially-censor options internals. Fixed the potential for the module censoring extra parts of detected messages unrelated to the actual censored content

  • Improvements to the Link & Ad Blocker's subdomain detection. Links with any amount of subdomains are now supported instead of just one subdomain

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker failing to detect links that started with a slash (excluding commands) (ex. 'example message /google.com')

  • Fixed the Link & Ad Blocker failing to detect links with ports (ex. 'some.domain:25565')

Updating Steps
  1. Delete ChatSentry-x.x.x.jar from your plugins folder.
  2. Place the new ChatSentry-5.2.3.jar in your plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server.

Join the Discord
You can gain access to the plugins discussion channel to chat with fellow ChatSentry users, get support, make suggestions, give feedback, and more related to the plugin! Join the Discord server here: https://discord.gg/m5Su7Af
----------, Jan 31, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 624
First Release: Jun 13, 2020
Last Update: Feb 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
50 ratings
Find more info at chatsentry.xyz...
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