4.5.1 // New server lockdown command & Anti Join Flood fix
ChatSentry Update 4.5.1
In this build
New '/cslockdown <onlyknown|onlyexempt|add|remove|exemptlist> [username]' command allows you to toggle a persistent-through-server-restart lock on your server which can either block unseen before/unknown players from joining, or everybody except those who are on the exemption list. This command was designed to be used under the case of a bot attack to disallow the unseen before player-bots entering the server, but it can be used for any other purpose as well. The disallowed join messages are customizable via the main config file. The new permissions can be found here: https://wiki.chatsentry.xyz/pac/commands-and-their-perms#other-standalone-commands
Fixed the Anti Join Flood module timer never starting when the startup delay was enabled
Fully removed the configurable 'Guarded by ChatSentry' message
Updating Steps
Delete ChatSentry-x.x.x.jar from your plugins folder.
Place the new ChatSentry-4.5.1.jar in your plugins folder.
Restart your server.
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