Now different Wardens with different features can be created
Added a new feature that allows users to create different Wardens with different features.
Changes in config.yml
Code (YAML):
wardens: # 'default' is the id of the Warden. 'default':
# Add <RAINBOW%d></RAINBOW> tags to message if you enable. smooth-rainbow: true
# The Warden's name (supports Hex and other colors). # Leave blank to not give a name or display another hologram. name: "<GRADIENT:FFF25C>⭐⭐</GRADIENT:FFFAC2> <RAINBOW%color%>W A R D E N</RAINBOW> <GRADIENT:FFFAC2>⭐⭐</GRADIENT:FFF25C>" hologram: "<GRADIENT:DC143C>%health% hits left!</GRADIENT:FF0000>"
# The offsets for Warden's name and 'hits left' holograms. offsets:
name: 2.55
hologram: 2.20
# Number of the hits before the Warden explodes. health: 10
# This option requires minimum of MC 1.20.5 and higher versions to be able to work. scale: 1
# Set false to disable glowing effects for the Warden. glowing: false
# SOUND:VOLUME:PITCH # Set NONE to disable this feature. hit-sound: BLOCK_SAND_BREAK:1:1
# Set NONE to disable this feature. death-sound: ENTITY_WARDEN_DEATH:3:1
# Should the Warden be allowed to move? (true/false) allow-movement: true
# Set 0 to disable this feature. firework-amount-on-warden-death: 10
# The delay between fireworks in ticks. delay-between-fireworks: 20L
# Should we push players backwards when the Warden hits them? push-players-backward: true
# Should we remove the darkness effect that players gain after being hit by the Warden? remove-potion-effects: true
# Leave blank to disable this feature. hit-permission: ""
# The message sent to all players when the Warden dies. death-message: "&cThe Warden has been taken down!"
# The message sent to all players when all the Phantoms die. is-vulnerable-again: "&cThe Warden is vulnerable again!"
# The message sent to all players when the Warden got spawns. has-just-spawned: "&cThe Warden has just spawned!" phantom:
# Should we spawn Phantoms? (true/false) enabled: true
# How many Phantoms should we summon? amount: 4
# When should we summon Phantoms? health-left: 5
# This option requires minimum of MC 1.20.5 and higher versions to be able to work. scale: 1
# Should we kill summoned Phantoms if the Warden dies? remove-on-warden-death: true
# Leave blank to disable this feature. hit-permission: ""
# Set NONE to disable this feature. hit-sound: ENTITY_PHANTOM_HURT:1:1
# Set NONE to disable this feature. death-sound: ENTITY_PHANTOM_DEATH:1:1
# Should the Warden be immortal until all the Phantoms are killed? enabled: true
# The message sent to player when they hit the Warden before all the Phantoms are killed. hit-message: "&cYou can't hit the Warden until all the Phantoms got killed!"
Changes in messages.yml
Code (YAML):
invalid-warden-id: "&cThere is no matched Warden with that id!"