If you already have this plugin installed, then it will reset your current bans due to the new system. This will not happen again.
If you want to migrate your bans over then view the banned-players.json file and ban all the UUIDs stored in that file.
This plugin now uses a custom ban command rather than built-in system.
If you already have the plugin installed, and you want access to the new features then delete the config.yml file to allow it to reset.
These changes allow for your server to use a better, more customized ban system while still having the option for vote bans no matter your ban plugin. Changes:
+ Removed commands /tempban, /unban, /ban.
+ Removed some unused messages.
+ Cleaned up plugin code.
+ Added a custom command for when players are banned.
+ Added the option to stop chat while a voteban is in progress (With a custom permission if needed).
+ Added the option for an instant stop to the vote task once the minimum number of votes has been reached (doesn't continue timer)
+ Fixed the successful vote ban message being the kick message.
+ Fixed a minor issue with cancelling the task after complete.