⭐ UnderscoreEnchants ⭐ CREATE CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | 2 GUIs ⚡ icon

⭐ UnderscoreEnchants ⭐ CREATE CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | 2 GUIs ⚡ -----

Create your own enchantments for free. No coding knowledge. Seriously.

Added 10 new enchantments!
Major update 1.8 is already here!
Update tag: "The Hesitative Update"

  • Added 10 new enchantments:
    • Social Anxiety (armor): If there are more than 3 players near you, you get Speed III until there aren't so many players.
    • Thorncover (chestplates): Cancels thorns damage!
    • Hocus Pocus (weapons): Shuffle victim's hotbar with a 5 * N% chance, where N is your enchantment level
    • Saunabuffs (armor): Damage is drastically decreased when in the Nether!
    • Reciprocation (chestplates): Upon getting hit, there's a 50% chance to slow down the attacker!
    • Adrenaline (weapons): The lower your health is, the higher damage you deal! Formula: dmg = dmg - (hp - 20) * lvl * 0.125.
    • Rekt (helmets): If someone attacks you, they'll teleport to a random location in a 100 block range with a 5% chance.
    • Photosynthesis (helmets): when it's day and there's nothing above your head, you'll regenerate half a heart every 3 seconds!
    • Parasite (weapons): If the damage you dealt is above 10 HP, then your hunger bar will be filled and you'll get Strength I for 5 seconds!
    • Speedminer (tools): Right-click with this tool to spawn a TNT! Obviously, with a cooldown.
  • Fixed a minor bug.
----------, Nov 25, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,676
First Release: Oct 21, 2021
Last Update: Jul 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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