⭐ UnderscoreEnchants ⭐ CREATE CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | 2 GUIs ⚡ icon

⭐ UnderscoreEnchants ⭐ CREATE CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | 2 GUIs ⚡ -----

Create your own enchantments for free. No coding knowledge. Seriously.

2 MAJOR bugfixes + 5 enchantments
Major update 1.7 is already here!
Update tag: "The Update That Does Your Dishes"

  • 2 major bugfixes! Now you can properly use configuration files and can properly use bows :) Shoutout to @mfnalex & @TheCaptainSleepy for helping me figure out the core of the problems!
  • Added 5 new bow enchantments:
    • Evoker: Spawn evoker fangs on the victim to both scare them and damage them!
    • Consumer: With a small chance, steal a positive effect from the victim!
    • Firefly: Deal more damage if the victim is on fire!
    • Homing: The arrow will follow the targeted victim! Note that the chance of landing the arrow successfully is not 100% (just a bit lower) for better balancing.
    • Striker: No matter how much armor and effects the victim has, the damage will be calculated as if the victim had none! Note that there's actually a bit of damage reduction still present (again, for balancing).
This update took me a lot of time to figure out and finish!
Brief 1.7 overview:
  • 2 extremely important and major bugfixes
  • 5 bow enchantments
----------, Nov 11, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,676
First Release: Oct 21, 2021
Last Update: Jul 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings