Added more options to the events: - command-on-leave: Commands that will be executed for every player that leaves the event. Executed only when the player leave the event, and not when they go to spectator. Placeholders: %player%
- global-commands-on-announce:List of commands that will be run everytime an event starts announcing.
- global-commands-on-start: List of commands that will be run everytime an event starts.
- global-commands-on-finish: List of commands that will be run everytime an event starts finishes.
- warmup-scoreboard: Scoreboard content displayed on warmup phase.
New placeholders:
- %surfevents_current_game_info%: Return the "join-message" value of that game.
- %surfevents_minimum_players%: return the minimum amount to start the event.
- %surfevents_starting_amount%: Return the amount necessary to start the warmup phase.
- %surfevents_is_playing%: Returns if the player is in a event.
restart-instead-of-eliminate: Teleport players to the entrance instead of eliminating them? Requires eliminate-water set to true.
height: value on height to eliminate/teleport player