⭐ MythicDungeons ⭐ Make Epic MMO-Style Dungeons! icon

⭐ MythicDungeons ⭐ Make Epic MMO-Style Dungeons! -----

The ultimate instanced dungeon builder with powerful triggers, events and conditions.

Mythic Dungeons 1.4.1 | Generator now in dev builds!!
We've got a small bug fix update for you guys today. We're also excited to announce that the dungeon generator is now available in premium dev builds!!

⭐If you're enjoying the plugin, please consider supporting us with a 5-star review!!⭐

- Updated the ChunkLoad function to support force loading a group of chunks based on a radius.
- Removed MMOCore support. (Newer versions of MMOCore now provide native support for MD)
- Fixed error spam caused by Mythic Mobs on newer MM versions.
- Fixed being unable to cancel dungeon queue.
- Fixed dungeon elements not unregistering properly.
- Fixed various retrigger strangeness with the delayed function.
- Fixed dungeons getting stuck in a "saving" state when a save error is encountered, preventing play.
- Fixed recruit command erroring out and not working as intended.
- Fixed time limit not properly executing the end of a dungeon once time runs out.

Join our Discord and become a part of the massive MythicCraft community! Check out our many plugins, showcase your server, get support, take part in contests/events, and more!

Discuss this release and find more information @:
- our Community Website!
- our Discord Server!

Please report all bugs/problems or leave suggestions on our issue tracker:

Thanks! Enjoy!
----------, Oct 3, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,404
First Release: Jun 18, 2022
Last Update: Oct 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
36 ratings
Find more info at git.mythiccraft.io...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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