⭐ LitMinions ⭐ 10 Minions ✅ Migrate Data Command - Levels ✅ Minion Inventories [1.17-1.21] icon

⭐ LitMinions ⭐ 10 Minions ✅ Migrate Data Command - Levels ✅ Minion Inventories [1.17-1.21] -----

A Minion plugin that has highly customizable parts, virtual inventories and migrate data command

Massive Changes

- Added permission "litminions.buildbypass" for building proctected areas.
- Custom model data support for Items
- AddedHunger system
- Feeder Minion- Picking up minion with left click while sneaking.
- Whitelist and blacklist option for ignored actions.
- Skin Database menu
- Skin changing system.
- Added a new file (skins.yml)
- Added option to change armors in skins
- Added messages on skin selection
- Added sounds for skin selection
- Added permissions for skin selection (litminions.skin.name)
- Added new file system that stores minion files separately
- Added conversion into new storage for items and minions
- Changed how minion uuids saved into databas
- Added Config option "Language" for selecting language.


- Island hooks placing problem fixed.
- Minion inventory issue in changing lang file.
- Fixed minion placing issue.
- Removed auto dirt replant in every 5 seconds on farmer minion
- Removed auto sapling replant in every 5 seconds on lumberjack minion
- Fixed hologram despawning on talk finish
- Fixed ignores calculation
- Fixed saving database on disable of plugin.
- Fixed issue that cause armor stand not spawning when migrating data
- Fixed armor stands that has no armor and head
- Fixed minion armor stand despawning
- Fixed minion not talking
- Improved database performance
- Fixed a calculation error in minion selecting
----------, Apr 15, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 234
First Release: Apr 15, 2023
Last Update: Today at 1:08 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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