You can define any amount of Graveyards per world and one global "fallback" graveyard.
When a player dies in a world with a graveyard, their chest will be put into the nearest graveyard
If that graveyard is full, you have the option to send the player to another graveyard in the same world
If those are full too, you can define a global graveyard where the chest will spawn
If that one is full too, or if you disallowed spawning at other graveyards, you can decide whether the player will drop their inventory or get a chest spawned at their death location like usually
You can define certain ground materials for the chests to spawn on
Option to define custom totem animations (using the regular totem of undying animation, or custom model data) to play upon respawns per graveyard
Graveyards can be defined in a YAML file or using the /acgraveyards command (Permission: angelchest.admin)
A tutorial will follow that explains how to create graveyards
Ability to use custom block data for all chests.
For example if you use CANDLE as chest material, you can set the amount of candles and whether they're lit
To use this, look at a block with the desired blockdata and enter "/acadmin saveblockdata"
Fixed exception when player died do to Player#setHealth(0) without having taken damage before
Improved chest spawn location when player died in lava.