WARNING: Currently we're investigating about a MySQL Issue, please don't use mysql in this PreRelease. INFO: This is the final PreRelease next update is the final Release, Next Update adds Bungee Mode Support! Changelog v1.0.7-PreRelease2: [*] Fixed Storage Null exceptions in console. (version with this issue: v1.0.5,v1.0.6,v1.0.7-PreRelease1)
[*] Added Sounds Error Message to don't show Error Exception (version with this issue: v1.0.7-PreRelease1)
[*] Fixed Game don't start (version with this issue: v1.0.7-PreRelease1)
[*] Fixed PerWorldTab system
[*] Fixed Incorrect Paths in the game-messages
[*] Fixed Language-Code System
[*] Fixed Void Items In Game Waiting-Room
[*] Fixed Void Teleport to the lobby and again to the game in the Waiting-Room,Starting-Room,Selecting-Room.
[+] Code Improvements.
[+] Added Function to all buttons in GameButtons:
[+] Added Hologram System (only working forPlayer)
[+] Added Blacklist,Whitelist command system In-Game.
[+] Added Checkpoint Sounds
[|] Game System was moved to a interface for future new gameTypes.
[|] Now default-selected-kit will be default-runner-kit if the default-kits option is enabled in settings.yml!.
Update from v1.0.7-PreRelease1 Tutorial: - Only check if you have a different path or you need new paths in your settings.yml, messages.yml, sounds.yml:
Update from v1.0.6 Tutorial: - First Save your old GuardianRFTB folder with a different name to generate new settings and paths. - You can use your same games.yml (RECOMMENDED: Remove gameSound paths because now are unused) - You can use your same kits.yml but adding Killer Kits and adding slot path to your kitInfo path (like the kitID) (by default. slot: 0) [this is the slot of the chest] - Create a new database or clear your old database (if you are using MySQL)
if you want keep your kits, add path: slot to your kit (this is the kitMenu Slot) (slots starts in 0) Example:
For all messages, sadly you need copy message x message because some paths now are different.
[/]For this update you need copy your current files to another folder, delete your current plugin folder and generate a new folder, copy your old games.yml to the new games.yml to keep games (OPTIONAL: Remove gameSound paths because now don't work). [/]Currently some things aren't finished that's the why this is a PreRelease and not the final Release