Changelog from (v1.0.5-PreRelease1 + Release Changelog):
[+] Separated GameMenu (Menu per modes) [+] Added HubServers editable (for Exit to Lobby item) in settings.yml [+] Added Lobby Selector commands editable (for Lobby Selector item) in settings.yml [+] Added onSignCreate Message [+] Fixed onLoad issue from v1.0.5-PreRelease1 [+] Added GameMainMenu to select GameMenus (editable in menus.yml)
[+] Code Improvements [+] Fixed Animated Title (In v1.0.4-SNAPSHOT if the plugin has some players the plugin can crash the server is the animation is so fast, This issue was fixed.) [*] Fixed MySQL Issues [*] Fixed Tablist Issues [*] Removed Unused Imports [*] Fixed Chat Issues [*] Fixed on game start void damage [*] Removed Checkpoint Item from player's inventory [*] Fixed BossBar & Empty Beast Kit Menu [|] Plugin renamed to GuardianRFTB
[/] For this update you need reset your entire plugin and your MySQL table to prevent all issues. [/] Isn't so hard only change the name of your Plugin Main Folder and let the plugin create another new folder with new files, To create fast again all games only copy your old games.yml and put it in the new file, You can copy all existing paths in the old version because are still working.