- Added
Custom Resource Pack (1.16 - 1.19)
- Allowed OP players to break/place blocks inside a Protected Boundary
- Fixed Anvil Issue (1.16)
- Fixed remove boundary command 'not working'
- Fixed shop/quest entities killed or captured by boat
- Added Authorization, none OPERATOR players can now be inlisted for plugin admin commands, (see
- Fixed Skill bug on Wizard Class (incorrect saved when server reloaded/restarted)
- Fixed Raco balance bug (not saved when server reloaded/restarted)
- New Commands
[/ce currency (add|deduct|pay|balance)]
- New Enchantments
Magnetic - Attracts nearby item to pickup (distance: 4*level blocks)]
Brilliance - Grant mana regeneration (0.3*level mana per second)]
- BERSERK now has a chance of doing critical damage (+1.5 dmg) to enemy
[BERSERK level * .03 chance, max of 30%]
- hidden admin commands(for testing purpose
[/ce ___reset___] - reset skill level to 0 [resets all classes/skillpoints]
[/ce ___test___] - set skill level to 200 [resets all classes/skillpoints]
[/ce ___lootplot___] - generate a random lootplot nearby
[/ce ___treasure___] - collect all (30) treasure items for testing