Added /bstaffchatmute [me/all] me: mutes for you all: mutes global staffchat permission for /bstaffchatmute all is bungeestaffchat.admin by default can be changed in the config
Config Changes
Add this to your Messages
Code (YAML):
MUTE-GLOBAL-ENABLED: "&7Global StaffChat has been enabled by &c{player} &7on &e{server} &7server." MUTE-GLOBAL-DISABLED: "&7Global StaffChat has been disabled by &c{player} &7on &e{server} &7server." MUTE-GLOBAL-MUTED: "&cGlobal StaffChat is currently muted."
Add this to your Commands MUTE section
Code (YAML):
# This permission is for when a player mutes staffchat globally with /mutesc all # This is also a bypass permission so if you have this you can still chat PERMISSION-ADMIN: "bungeestaffchat.admin"