Added Staff Join Messages can be customized from the config
Added /bstaffchatmute(/mutesc) this will mute staffchat for you so you will no longer see staffchat if you don't want to
Added a block to messages that are over 256 characters, to prevent errors
Added a new error message if your bot is not setup correctly
Config Changes
Add this to your Discord section
Code (YAML):
# This is for if you want to use the {player} placeholder in the format, # The player name will be on the same line instead of above the message DISCORD-AUTHOR-IN-LINE: false
# This will send to discord whenever a staff member joins, switches servers or leaves DISCORDJOIN-FORMAT: "+Staff ({server}) player" DISCORDSWITCH-FORMAT: "+Staff ({from} {arrow} {to}) {player}" DISCORDQUIT-FORMAT: "-Staff ({server}) {player}"
Add this to your Messages section
Code (YAML):
MUTE-ADDED: "&7StaffChat has been muted." MUTE-REMOVED: "&7StaffChat has been unmuted." JOIN:
# These are the messages and permissions that will be sent/required to see the message JOIN-MESSAGE: "&a+Staff &7({server}) &f{player}" PERMISSION-JOIN: "bungeestaffchat.join" # This is the permission to be able to see when the staff join the server PERMISSION-JOIN-SEE: "bungeestaffchat.join.see" SWITCH-MESSAGE: "&b+Staff &7({from} {arrow} {to}) &f{player}" PERMISSION-SWITCH: "bungeestaffchat.switch" # This is the permission to be able to see when the staff switch to another server PERMISSION-SWITCH-SEE: "bungeestaffchat.switch.see" QUIT-MESSAGE: "&c-Staff &7{server} &f{player}" PERMISSION-QUIT: "bungeestaffchat.quit" # This is the permission to be able to see when the staff leave the server PERMISSION-QUIT-SEE: "bungeestaffchat.quit.see"
Add this to your Commands section
Code (YAML):
# Command without / COMMAND: "bstaffchatmute" PERMISSION: "bungeestaffchat.mute" # Command without / # Leave blank if you don't want an alias ALIAS: "mutesc"