✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids icon

✨ItemsAdder⭐Emotes, Mobs, Items, Armors, HUD, GUI, Emojis, Blocks, Wings, Hats, Liquids -----

Create custom items/armors/huds/guis/emojis/blocks/food/hats/ores/liquids/mobs with custom texture

Player emotes update!

- you must update the Blockbench extension and export your models again in order to apply some fixes. https://github.com/LoneDev6/itemsadder-entity/releases
- you must regenerate your resourcepack to apply some of the fixes above (run /iazip and follow the hosting tutorial)

- player emotes (1.17+) https://itemsadder.devs.beer/plugin-usage/advanced/player-emotes
- emotes api https://github.com/LoneDev6/API-ItemsAdder/commit/080923933e422871eebefc0a6ede33f16af3c264
- added `/iaentity citizens clean` command to detach ItemsAdder from the NPC without deleting it
- added error message when using /iaentity command providing an unknown custom entity name
- added ItemBridge support https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1585
- added ModelEngine warning, then disable ItemsAdder custom entities
- added loots to custom entities https://itemsadder.devs.beer/plugin-usage/adding-content/loots#custom-entities-loots

- fixed custom mobs memory leak
- fixed console messages not colored in some Paper builds
- fixed custom entities equipment not refreshing sometimes
- added warning if player tries to change skin of Citizens NPC of type "PLAYER"
- custom entities now play death particles effect
- fixed custom entities animations sometimes interrupted by idle animation
- fixed 1.17.1 compatibility with custom entities https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1581
- fixed FontImages API ConcurrentModificationException https://github.com/LoneDev6/RPGhuds/issues/8
- fixed emissive armors textures not working on Optifine
- fixed custom font_images symbols not loading in some cases https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1576
- fixed `fix-floating-blocks` causing REAL_TRANSPARENT blocks to lose texture sometimes https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1577
- fixed players can place mushroom blocks in protected areas https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1564
- fixed blocked_enchants are being allowed through, if the trade table is involved https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1584
- fixed Optifine armors textures being overwritten by other resourcepacks which change armors using CIT
- fixed multiple_break bugs with custom blocks in some cases
- fixed ProtocoLib update message even if latest
- fixed initial delay on custom entities spawn
- fixed missing custom entities shadow
- fixed some items not rendered correctly in custom entities hands
- fixed leather armor not rendered correctly while using Optifine/Irish shaders https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-ItemsAdder/issues/1590
- fixed custom mobs dropping base entity loots
- fixed Cannot invoke "dev.lone.itemsadder.main.cc.getNamespace()" because "this.b" is null
- fixed custom mobs/player skins sometimes bugged after death animations played and a new one plays after
- fixed Citizens error "UUID of added entity already exists"
- optimizations
----------, Apr 8, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,756
First Release: Jan 9, 2020
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
627 ratings
Find more info at itemsadder.devs.beer...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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